HealthHelp launches program for oncology

Healthcare benefits management firm HealthHelp has launched a new integrated oncology utilization management program.

The company's Integrative Oncology program is designed to leverage HealthHelp's existing technology to coordinate the management of all cancer types across oncology-related specialties, according to the company. HealthHelp believes its nondenial authorization process can unite multiple aspects of cancer care, enabling primary, medical and radiation oncology, and surgical specialties to integrate their care of patients.

Integrative Oncology integrates authorizations made across different specialties, along with clinical information collected during the authorization process, into a medical record that is then made available to all of a patient's care providers via HealthHelp's Access product line.

The program replaces separate authorizations for radiation therapy, chemotherapy, and surgical procedures with a multidisciplinary cancer management approach, according to the firm.

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