Acquired Cardiac Disease:
Lesions with normal sized heart or mild cardiomegaly: These lesions are
secondary to pressure overload or reduced compliance of the ventricle.
These lesions are considered compensated if there is no cardiomegaly, however,
certain of these lesions, if long standing, can result in cardiomegaly.
Aortic Stenosis
Systemic Hypertension
Mitral Stenosis
Acute Myocardial Infarction
Constrictive Pericarditis:
Lesions with moderate to marked cardiomegaly: These lesions are secondary
to volume overload and a failing (decompensated) myocardium.
Aortic Incompetence
Mitral Incompetence
Tricuspid Incompetence
Congestive Cardiomyopathy: Primary contractile failure of the left ventricle.
Etiologies include idiopathic, viral, adriamycin, and Chagas' disease