Infection-Inflammation > Genitourinary > GU agents-exam

Renal and Urinary Tract Imaging


Tc-MAG3: (Mercaptoacetyltriglycine)

The typical dose of MAG3 in adults is 10 mCi (370 MBq). For children the dose is .1 mCi/ kg, minimum dose .5 mCi. Its radiochemical purity must be greater than 90%. In plasma between 66 to 90% (81% mean) of MAG3 is protein bound (which helps to prevent glomerular filtration).

MAG3 is cleared almost exclusively by tubular secretion-- 98% is secreted in the proximal tubule and only 2% of the agent is filtered at the glomerulus. A small amount of liver activity is often noted. Increased liver activity is seen in patients with underlying renal failure (Creatinine > 2) and gallbladder activity (due to vicarious biliary excretion) may also be seen in these patients. The extraction fraction of MAG3 is between 40 to 50% and the average renal clearance is between 340 to 400 ml/min.- which is much higher than the normal GFR (125 ml/min.).

Although renal clearance is approximately 56% of the renal clearance of orthoiodohippurate (600 ml/min.), OIH and MAG3 are excreted from the body at essentially the same rate. The high protein binding of MAG3 (80% versus 60% for OIH) and lack of red blood cell entry (as with OIH) means that more MAG3 is available within the intravascular compartment for extraction (i.e.: there is less third spacing). Image quality with MAG3 is also superior to DTPA, particularly in patients with impaired renal function, because MAG3 has a higher renal clearance, resulting in good kidney to background ratios. The relatively high extraction efficiency and the small distribution space of MAG3 result in fast accumulation of high intensity activity in the cortex and subsequently the collecting system. Analog film settings do not easily accommodate this intensity.

See ICRP 62, p17, for detailed dosimetry information. The critical organ is the bladder wall.

Tc-DTPA (Diethylenetriamine-pentacetic acid)

The typical dose of Tc-DTPA in adults is 10-20 mCi. For children the dose is .1 mCi/ kg, minimum dose .5 mCi. The agent can be used to evaluate renal perfusion, glomerular filtration, and for renal and urinary tract imaging. DTPA is cleared entirely by glomerular filtration (Similar to inulin or IV contrast dye). Unfortunately, the renal extraction efficiency is low (20%) and this results in a low target-to-background ratio. About 90% of the injected dose is in the urine by 4 hours. Because a small but variable amount (0 to 9%, depending on the kit formulation) of the agent is plasma protein bound, there is a slight underestimation of the true GFR (Calculated GFR must be corrected for this bound fraction).

See ICRP 53, p186, for detailed dosimetry information. The critical organ is the bladder wall.

131I-Hippuran (Orthoiodohippurate)

The typical dose used in adults is 150-300 uCi. For children the dose is 3 uCi/kg, minimum dose 25 uCi. Hippuran is used for evaluation of tubular secretion (excretory function) because it behaves similarly to PAH. About 70% is protein bound in plasma, and 5% diffuses into the red cell. 80% is eliminated by tubular secretion, and 20% by glomerular filtration. There is 90% first-pass clearance (total extraction efficiency is high (70-90%), which leads to a high kidney to background ratio) and maximum renal activity is seen within 5 minutes. The renal clearance of OIH is approximately 600 ml/min. The relative renal uptake of OIH is proportional to the relative effective renal plasma flow (ERPF). Approximately 70% of the administered dose is in the urine by 30 minutes after injection (similar to MAG3).

Because it has a higher renal extraction efficiency than DTPA, hippuran provides better visualization of the kidneys in patients with markedly impaired renal function. In acute renal failure, non-visualization of the kidneys with hippuran is a poor prognostic indicator. The critical organ is the thyroid. The radiation dose to the thyroid can be minimized by giving perchlorate or Lugol's prior to the study.

See ICRP 53, p310, for detailed dosimetry information. The critical organ is the bladder wall, except in patients with obstruction or cortical retention may become very high. In severe cases, kidney doses will be several hundred rem.

Tc-DMSA (2,3-dimercaptosuccinic acid)

The typical dose in adults is 5 mCi (Minimum dose 300 to 350 uCi). For children the dose is .05 mCi/ kg, minimum dose .3 mCi. DMSA is used for high resolution imaging of the renal cortex. The agent is slowly cleared from the blood as a result of its high protein binding. Only about 4% is extracted per pass. DMSA localizes to the renal cortex by binding to sulfhydryl groups in proximal renal tubules. (40 to 50% of the injected dose is present in the renal cortex 2 hours after injection) Although the agent does undergo glomerular filtration (4 to 8% by 1 hour, and about 30% by 4 hours), the renal collecting system is usually not visualized. Peak renal activity is seen 4 to 6 hours post injection, but images are usually acquired before this time.

Acidification of the urine will increase excretion of the agent; as a result patients with renal tubular acidosis often demonstrate poor renal visualization.

See ICRP 53, p186, for detailed dosimetry information. The critical organ is the bladder wall.


The typical dose in adults is 15 mCi. For children the dose is .1 mCi/ kg, minimum dose .5 mCi. Glucoheptonate has both cortical uptake and glomerular filtration. A large portion is cleared by glomerular filtration and rapidly excreted (80-90% cleared via urine), but a significant amount remains in the proximal tubular cells which permits cortical imaging (10-20% is retained in renal tubular cells 1 to 2 hours after injection). Glucoheptonate has an extraction efficiency of about 20%. Hepatic excretion can be seen in patients with marked renal dysfunction.

See ICRP 53, p194, for detailed dosimetry information. The critical organ is the bladder wall.

Exam Findings

Renal activity can be demonstrated when function is as low as 3% of normal.

A complete discussion of the renal scan should address each of the following areas:

1- Perfusion

Flow activity should reach the kidneys about 1-3 sec after the bolus in the abdominal aorta passes the renal arteries. When using DTPA the slope of the renal flow curve should be similar to that of the aorta. After reaching a peak value, the renal curve decreases, reflecting the low extraction efficiency (20%) of the agent. With MAG3, the renal flow curve will reach a certain peak level, but not decline. Instead, it continues to slowly increase, reflecting the excellent extraction efficiency of MAG3.

Some experts believe the flow study adds little to the routine renogram, and need not be performed, except in cases of acute renal failure or tranplant studies [1].

2- Extraction (Parenchymal activity)

The intensity of the peak parenchymal activity should approach that of the aorta. Parenchymal activity should peak by 3-5 minutes, and then rapidly decline. Dehydrated patients will demonstrate peak parenchymal activity slightly later and may have delayed clearance of the tracer. The differential or relative renal function of each kidney can be calculated by determining the accumulation of tracer in each kidney between 1 and 2 or 2.5 minutes after injection of MAG3 and between 2 and 3 minutes for DTPA. The optimal background subtraction technique has not been agreed upon, although the Well Tempered Diuretic Renogram [2] recommends a circumferential region around each kidney. During this period, all the activity should be confined to the renal vasculature and functioning renal parenchyma, excluding non-extracted blood pool tracer, and with little activity within the collecting system. A geometric mean is generally a more reliable indicator of differential function than the count ratios from posterior images alone. Normal differential function can range to 56%/44%.

3- Excretion (From parenchyma into collecting system)

Collecting system activity is normally visualized between 3 to 5 minutes after injection. Activity should appear symmetric from side to side. Parenchymal MAG3 activity falls quickly and at 20 minutes there is usually less than 20% of the peak activity remaining in the kidney.

4- Clearance

Activity should clear rapidly from the intrarenal collecting system to the bladder.

Renogram curves from each kidney should be nearly identical with regard to shape and slope. Slight differences in height of the curves may be due to normal variation in renal size or depth, patient positioning, or differences in region of interest placement.

Scintigraphic Findings in Renal Failure:

Acute renal failure is characterized by relative preservation of renal blood flow and extraction of tubular agents with a rising renogram curve (Retained cortical activity at 20 minutes (RCA) will be almost 100%). Extraction of glomerular agents in acute renal failure is low. The kidneys are usually of normal size.

In chronic renal failure there is severely and proportionately reduced renal blood flow and tracer extraction of both tubular and glomerular agents. The kidneys are often small in size. The renogram curve is typically flat with a low count plateau. In end-stage renal failure the kidneys are only faintly discernible from blood pool activity.

Cortical Necrosis

Cortical necrosis is a form of ATN. Patients present with oliguria or anuria. Pathologically, there is cortical ischemic necrosis. Etiologies of Cortical Necrosis include:

    - Post-partum hemorrhage (abruptio placenta)- 50% of cases 
    - Bacterial sepsis 
    - Shock 
    - Myocardial Infarction 
    - Burns 
    - Severe dehydration (children) 
    - Hyperacute transplant rejection

Radiographic Findings in Cortical Necrosis:

On IVP, early in the disease process there are enlarged, smooth kidneys with an absent or faint nephrogram. Later the scout film will show "Tram-line"cortical calcification (occurs subcapsular and at the corticomedullary junction) with no nephrogram or collecting system opacification.

On US, acutely there is decreased cortical echogenicity. Later, the cortex becomes hyperechoic with acoustic shadowing due to calcification.

Scintigraphic Findings in Cortical Necrosis

On scintigraphy there is poor to no renal perfusion and poor parenchymal tracer accumulation of tubular agents (little to no renogram). The kidney may appear as a photopenic region.

Determination of Kidney Function

The GFR indicates the amount of glomerular filtrate formed per minute (Normal = 125 ml/min.). Agents used to calculate the GFR must be freely filterable through the glomerulus and be neither secreted nor absorbed by the renal tubules. Inulin, EDTA, iodothalamate, and diatrizoate can all be used in GFR determinations. Regardless of the method of global GFR determination, individual renal GFR's are then calculated by multiplying the total GFR by their respective differential functions. At birth, the GFR is about 20% of the adult value, and reaches about 50% by 2 weeks of age.

Renal plasma flow represents the total perfusion to the kidney, only part of which is accounted for by the GFR. 'Effective' renal plasma flow is calculated using PAH in the laboratory (PAH slightly underestimates actual RPF because only 91% of the agent is extracted by the tubules during renal transit). The normal ERPF is approximately 600 ml/min. True renal plasma flow is about 650 ml/min. 131I OIH and Tc-MAG3 can also be used in the determination of ERPF.

Clinicians have relied upon various empiric schemes for estimating GFR which manipulate easily measured clinical parameters of age, weight, height, and serum and urinary creatinine, despite the well known inaccuracies of these methods. Since GFR can deteriorate to 1/2 its normal value before serum creatinine changes, creatinine values are dependent on adequate muscle mass, and creatinine is tubularly reabsorbed in severe renal failure, the inaccuracies of these methods areself evident.

Estimation of GFR and ERPF by the above radiopharmaceuticals has many theoretical advantages. Unfortunately, the literature is filled with a bewildering array of radionuclide techniques involving various combinations of gamma camera imaging, and blood and urine sampling, all of which involve significant and often considerable attention to detail, wet lab expertise, or specialized gamma cameracomputer processing algorithms. Accuracy of the techniques seems directly porportional to their difficulty. Considerable effort has been directed toward simplifying complex algorithms and lenghty and arduous (for the patient and practitioner) without significant loss of accuracy. A recent consensus from the Radionuclides in Nephrology Group, Committee on Renal Clearance [3] offers recommendations for specific techniques in various clinical situations. Conspicuous is a lack of endorsement of gamma camera techniques, which, despite their reproducibility, are generally very inaccurate in moderate to severe renal dysfunction. The relative merits of various methods, especially in the pediatric population, is hotly debated.


(1)  J Nucl Med 1991; Blaufox MD. Procedures of choice in renal nuclear medicine. 32:1301-9

(2) Semin Nuc Med, 1992; Conway JJ. "Well-tempered" diuresis renography: its historical development, physiological and technical pitfalls, and standardized technique protocol. 22: 74-84

(3) J Nucl Med 1996; Blaufox MD, et al. Report of the Radionuclides in Nephrourology Committee on renal clearance. 37(11): 1883-90

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