Susan G. Komen launches breast cancer registry

2017 04 26 10 58 14 184 Pink Ribbon 400

Susan G. Komen is launching a national breast cancer registry called “ShareForCures,” which aims to boost research participation by making it easy for people diagnosed with breast cancer to join in.

The registry is a cloud-based platform on which breast cancer patients and survivors can share personal health data with Komen, where it will be used to advance breast cancer research. Komen said that it plans to engage all communities in this effort to improve diversity in breast cancer clinical trials.

Eligible individuals can join for free by creating a user account, completing informed consent and medical release forms, and providing information about their breast cancer diagnosis.

Komen said it will guide participants through the experience and keep them informed of research progress. Participants will provide information through surveys and medical records, as well as possibly a saliva sample, to help researchers learn more about breast cancer.

Komen added that data provided will be made available to research partners and academic scientists approved by the organization, and that the privacy of the participants will be protected.

The registry was created through financial support from AstraZeneca.

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