Polarean gets FDA nod to use MRI chest coil with GEHC scanners

Lung MRI developer Polarean Imaging has received 510(k) clearance from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for its MRI chest coil to be used with GE HealthCare's (GEHC) 3-tesla (3T) MRI scanners to visualize xenon-129 nuclei.

Polarean now supports xenon MRI scanning of both clinical and research patients on GEHC, Philips, and Siemens Healthineers scanners.

Polareanโ€™s GEHC-compatible Xenoview 3T chest coil is a flexible, single-channel, transmit-receive radiofrequency coil for imaging xenon-129 nuclei. This is done while a patient is positioned inside a GEHC Signa Premier 3T or Discovery MR750 3T MRI scanner equipped with the latter's multinuclear spectroscopy capability.

The coil is to be used in conjunction with hyperpolarized xenon-129 for oral inhalation for the evaluation of lung ventilation in adults and pediatric patients, aged 12 years and older. Polarean said the coil supports institutions with GEHC-compatible MRI systems looking to adopt xenon MRI.

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