Week in Review: AHRA coverage starts Sunday | Interventional checklists | Nuclear medicine outlook

Dear AuntMinnie Member,

The AHRA 2022 annual meeting starts tomorrow, and your AuntMinnie.com editorial team will be on hand in Phoenix filing articles and videos on this important conference covering radiology operations and management.

Presentations at AHRA 2022 will run the gamut on ways to most effectively run your radiology department or imaging center, from talks on managing staff to discussions about asset resource management and employee communications. Other talks will touch on marketing, human resources, finance and budgeting, and more.

Be sure to check out our RADCast @ AHRA starting Sunday by visiting radcast.auntminnie.com for all the latest news and views from AHRA 2022!

Interventional checklists

Reducing medical errors is always important, but it's particularly crucial during interventional radiology procedures. A new article in our Advanced Visualization Community describes how a group from Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston reduced adverse events -- and the need for repeat procedures.

The group developed a checklist to review before closing out interventional procedures. In an analysis of its effectiveness, the team found that it yielded a 43% reduction in the number of adverse events and an 80% lower need for repeat exams.

In another article in the community, a group from Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN, used a combination of machine-learning algorithms and CT radiomics to detect signs of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma earlier than previously possible.

Get more stories like these in the Advanced Visualization Digital Community.

Nuclear medicine outlook

What's the outlook for the nuclear medicine equipment market? A new market research report by our sister company IMV Medical Information Division found that procedure volumes are expected to increase in 2022, but reimbursement, revenue, and profit are expected to stay the same.

In other news, Australian researchers presented a study at the recent European Association of Urology on the use of prostate-specific membrane antigen (PSMA)-PET/CT for detecting clinically significant prostate cancer. And SPECT/CT is more accurate than conventional contrast-enhanced CT for diagnosing benign versus malignant kidney tumors, researchers from Mallinckrodt Institute of Radiology found.

Get all the news about molecular imaging and nuclear medicine in our Molecular Imaging Community.

Disclosure: IMV Medical Information Division is a sister company of AuntMinnie.com.

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