Doug Wuebben[email protected]UltrasoundMaking a Difference as a Sonographer: Pain in the neckEveryone seems to be under the constant strain of having to do more -- more appointments, more calls, more meetings, more time at the computer, etc. This can result in debilitating pain and injuries in the area of the head, neck, and shoulders. Fortunately, echocardiographer Doug Wuebben has some tips and exercises that can help.September 7, 2015UltrasoundMaking a Difference as a Sonographer: PrioritiesAs a sonographer, if you are not at 100%, you are doing a disservice to yourself and your patients. It's crucial to prioritize your mental and physical health, explains echocardiographer Doug Wuebben, who, along with coach Mark Roozen, shares some advice and exercises to improve your strength and flexibility.July 15, 2015UltrasoundMaking a Difference as a Sonographer: The perils of job growthGrowth in the number of diagnostic medical sonographer jobs is expected to hit nearly 50% through 2022. But that's not necessarily a good thing, as the increasing popularity of ultrasound puts more strain on sonographers. Find out what you can do to cope in the latest article from Doug Wuebben.March 19, 2015UltrasoundMaking a Difference as a Sonographer: Foam rollingWith the combination of a heavy work schedule and the physical demands of the job, many sonographers find that their bodies start to fall apart. To combat the resulting pain and fatigue from achy knees, stiff backs, and painful shoulders, you need to use recovery techniques proactively.February 16, 2015UltrasoundMaking a Difference as a Sonographer: Caring for the IT bandIliotibial (IT) band syndrome is primarily known as one of the most common overuse injuries for runners. But sonographers and other professionals who are on their feet all day also experience problems caused by tight IT bands.October 20, 2014UltrasoundMaking a Difference as a Sonographer: A face to the painIn the latest installment of this series, echocardiographer Doug Wuebben shares the story of a sonographer who battled severe work-related injuries. Her story is all too familiar, but there are steps those in her shoes can take, according to Wuebben.September 3, 2014UltrasoundMaking a Difference as a Sonographer: Tennis elbow, part 2Repetitive movements on the job, such as the daily work of a sonographer, can trigger tennis elbow. Part 2 of this series presents three exercises sonographers can use to improve stability and strength to alleviate the condition.July 29, 2014UltrasoundMaking a Difference as a Sonographer: Tennis elbow, part 1Just because you don't play tennis or racket sports doesn't mean you can't come down with tennis elbow, also known as lateral epicondylitis. A painful condition caused by overuse, tennis elbow can be triggered by repetitive movements on the job, such as the daily work of a sonographer.July 16, 2014PACS/VNAMaking a Difference as a Sonographer: Embracing telemedicineTelemedicine is a powerful and disruptive force in today's healthcare system. For sonographers and others on the front lines of healthcare, telemedicine can be stressful and a big change. But it can also offer some of the very best moments for a healthcare worker, according to echocardiographer Doug Wuebben.June 4, 2014UltrasoundMaking a Difference as a Sonographer: Shoulder and neck painIn a new article from cardiac sonographer Doug Wuebben, he offers three simple exercises to reduce shoulder and neck pain in sonographers -- or anyone who spends too much time hunched over a desk.January 23, 2014Previous PagePage 2 of 3Next PageTop StoriesMRIAre low-field MRI units effective for neuroradiologic imaging?Are low-field MRI units effective for neuroradiologic imaging? Perhaps, say researchers from the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor.Womens ImagingCBBCT features help identify LVI on breast cancer patientsMolecular ImagingNew PET tracer developed for breast cancerArtificial IntelligencePublic trust in medical AI use lowSponsor ContentFREE WEBINAR! Join Us February 19 at Noon ET