U.S. travel ban could hit radiology show | CT lung screening at VA | News from Arab Health

Dear AuntMinnie Member,

The new U.S. policy banning travel to the U.S. from seven Middle Eastern countries has generated headlines around the world. But the new rules could also affect radiology conferences, just as the spring meeting season approaches.

One of the first radiology-specific meetings to take place this year in the U.S., the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) conference, is following the Trump administration's policy closely to see how it might impact the event, scheduled to be held in Hawaii in April. The group yesterday issued a statement affirming its mission to "foster connections among our members across international boundaries" and noting that it had relayed its concerns about the ban to U.S. political officials.

Could the ban result in reduced attendance at U.S. meetings, or even a boycott by international scientists? It's a specter raised by at least one comment thread on Twitter. Read more by clicking here for an article in our MRI Community.

While you're there, be sure to check out this article on a bulletin issued by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on a mysterious series of cases in which patients who had histories of substance abuse presented with amnesia -- and how MRI was able to help. These stories and more are available at mri.auntminnie.com.

CT lung screening at VA

In other news, researchers from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) this week released a report on the complexities involved in offering CT lung cancer screening in a large, population-based program. It makes for interesting reading as healthcare systems across the U.S. gear up to provide this service. Read more by clicking here, or visit our CT Community at ct.auntminnie.com.

News from Arab Health

Finally, the Arab Health meeting is underway this week in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, and contributing writer Inga Stevens is on hand to report for our AuntMinnie Middle East special section. First up is an article on the establishment of a breast and bowel screening program in Qatar. Read all about it by clicking here, and check back for more updates from the conference this week at middleeast.auntminnie.com.

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