DTI-MRI of Parkinson's | Detecting elder abuse | News from San Antonio

Dear AuntMinnie Member,

What effect does Parkinson's disease have on the brain's internal wiring? A group from Italy used an advanced MRI technique to investigate that question, and we're sharing their findings in our MRI Community.

The researchers used diffusion-tensor imaging (DTI-MRI) to create tractography maps that represented the brain's ability to carry signals, and they compared a group of individuals with Parkinson's disease and mild cognitive impairment to individuals who didn't have either condition.

Learn what they discovered by clicking here, or visit the community at mri.auntminnie.com.

Detecting elder abuse

In other news, radiologists can play a role in identifying cases of elder abuse, according to a new story we're highlighting in our Digital X-Ray Community.

The telltale signs of abuse can be hard to identify, but they are frequently there in cases of abuse if you know what to look for. The researchers believe that radiologists are in a unique position to identify patients who are being abused, but they could use some help from referring physicians.

Find out what they could do by clicking here, or visit the community at xray.auntminnie.com.

News from San Antonio

RSNA 2016 concluded last week, and you're all probably breathing a sigh of relief. But the medical conference schedule rolls on. This week, the San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium has convened. Check out our first article from the conference by clicking here, or visit our Women's Imaging Community at women.auntminnie.com, where you'll also find this story on how risk-based mammography screening can miss nearly 60% of cancers compared to conventional age-based screening.

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