Radiologists land on list of highest-paid doctors

2017 04 20 14 33 37 718 Money Hundred Bills 400

Radiologists landed in the No. 10 position on a list produced by Business Insider of the highest-paid healthcare professions. The list is based on data from the career website LinkedIn.

Radiologists had a base median salary of $350,000 and a total median salary of $368,000, according to the data. Radiologists were one notch ahead of emergency physicians and one spot below anesthesiologists.

The rankings were compiled by Business Insider through data that LinkedIn collected through its salary tool. The article noted that the information was self-reported.

While Business Insider did not specifically compare medical specialists, all of the top 10 spots were physician specialists with the exception of the No. 3 spot, department chairs.

Top 10 highest-paid medical professionals
Healthcare profession Total median salary
Neurosurgeon $575,000
Orthopedic surgeon $500,000
Department chair $465,000
Interventional cardiologist $438,000
Plastic surgeon $410,000
Gastroenterologist $400,000
Surgeon $400,000
Urologist $395,000
Anesthesiologist $370,000
Radiologist $368,000

A recent survey by Medscape found that the average salary for radiologists was $401,000 in 2018.

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