Table of Contents

From the Editor
By Anthony V. Proto
Radiology 2000: Reviewing for Radiology
Radiology 2000 215: 619-621.

By Richard M. Friedenberg
The Role of the Supertechnologist
Radiology 2000 215: 630-633.

By Barry B. Goldberg
Obstetric US Imaging: The Past 40 Years

Radiology 2000 215: 622-629.

By Dean D. T. Maglinte, Evan S. Siegelman, and Frederick M. Kelvin
MR Enteroclysis: The Future of Small-Bowel Imaging?
Radiology 2000 215: 639-641.

State of the Art
By Scott O. Trerotola
Hemodialysis Catheter Placement and Management

Radiology 2000 215: 651-658.

By Matthew A. Mauro, Robert E. Koehler, and Todd H. Baron
Advances in Gastrointestinal Intervention: The Treatment of Gastroduodenal and Colorectal Obstructions with Metallic Stents
Radiology 2000 215: 659-669.

Breast Imaging
By Lawrence W. Bassett, Dione M. Farria, Swati Bansal, Marybeth A. Farquhar, Pamela A. Wilcox, and Stephen A. Feig
Reasons for Failure of a Mammography Unit at Clinical Image Review in the American College of Radiology Mammography Accreditation Program
Radiology 2000 215: 698-702.

Cardiac Imaging
By Torsten Sommer, Christian Vahlhaus, Gerhard Lauck, Alexander v. Smekal, Marcus Reinke, Ulrich Hofer, Wolfgang Block, Frank Träber, Christian Schneider, JĂ¼rgen Gieseke, Werner Jung, and Hans Schild
MR Imaging and Cardiac Pacemakers: In Vitro Evaluation and in Vivo Studies in 51 Patients at 0.5 T

Radiology 2000 215: 869-879.

Computer Applications
By Carl J. Vyborny, Takeshi Doi, Kathryn F. O'Shaughnessy, Harlan M. Romsdahl, Alexander C. Schneider, and Alan A. Stein
Breast Cancer: Importance of Spiculation in Computer-aided Detection

Radiology 2000 215: 703-707.

Diagnosis Please
By Gregory T. Sica and Michael F. Reed
Case 27

Radiology 2000 215: 752-753.

By Stephen Karasick and Richard J. Wechsler
Case 23: Replacement Lipomatosis of the Kidney Radiology 2000 215: 754-756.

Emergency Radiology
By Randall M. Patten, Steven R. Gunberg, and Donna K. Brandenburger
Frequency and Importance of Transverse Process Fractures in the Lumbar Vertebrae at Helical Abdominal CT in Patients with Trauma

Radiology 2000 215: 831-834.

Experimental Studies
By David G. Disler, Eric Raymond, David A. May, Jennifer S. Wayne, and Thomas R. McCauley
Articular Cartilage Defects: In Vitro Evaluation of Accuracy and Interobserver Reliability for Detection and Grading with US

Radiology 2000 215: 846-851.

By Jonathan B. Kruskal, Peter Thomas, Imad Nasser, Osman Cay, and Robert A. Kane
Hepatic Colon Cancer Metastases in Mice: Dynamic in Vivo Correlation with Hypoechoic Rims Visible at US

Radiology 2000 215: 852-857.

By Jakub Wiskirchen, Eckart F. Grönewäller, Frank Heinzelmann, Rainer Kehlbach, Enno Rodegerdts, Matthias Wittau, H. Peter Rodemann, Claus D. Claussen, and Stephan H. Duda
Human Fetal Lung Fibroblasts: In Vitro Study of Repetitive Magnetic Field Exposure at 0.2, 1.0, and 1.5 T

Radiology 2000 215: 858-862.

By Sang Il Choi, Seong Hoon Choi, Sang Tae Kim, Keun Ho Lim, Chung Hwan Lim, Gyung Yub Gong, Hyae Young Kim, Hanns-Joachim Weinmann, and Tae-Hwan Lim
Irreversibly Damaged Myocardium at MR Imaging with a Necrotic Tissue-Specific Contrast Agent in a Cat Model

Radiology 2000 215: 863-868.

Gastrointestinal Imaging
By Heinz Werner Umschaden, Dieter Szolar, Johann Gasser, Manfred Umschaden, and Helge Haselbach
Small-Bowel Disease: Comparison of MR Enteroclysis Images with Conventional Enteroclysis and Surgical Findings

Radiology 2000 215: 717-725.

By Jan Petersein, Alberto Spinazzi, Andrea Giovagnoni, Philippe Soyer, Francois Terrier, Riccardo Lencioni, Carlo Bartolozzi, Luigi Grazioli, Antonio Chiesa, Riccardo Manfredi, Pasquale Marano, Els L. Van Persijn van Meerten, Johannes L. Bloem, Carina Petre, Guy Marchal, Alina Greco, Michael T. McNamara, Andreas Heuck, Maximilian Reiser, Michael Laniado, Claus Claussen, Heike E. Daldrup, Ernst Rummeny, Miles A. Kirchin, Gianpaolo Pirovano, and Bernd Hamm
Focal Liver Lesions: Evaluation of the Efficacy of Gadobenate Dimeglumine in MR Imaging-A Multicenter Phase III Clinical Study

Radiology 2000 215: 727-736.

By Jorge A. Soto, Matthew A. Barish, Oscar Alvarez, and Santiago Medina
Detection of Choledocholithiasis with MR Cholangiography: Comparison of Three-dimensional Fast Spin-Echo and Single- and Multisection Half-Fourier Rapid Acquisition with Relaxation Enhancement Sequences
Radiology 2000 215: 737-745.

By Matilde Nino-Murcia, Eric W. Olcott, R. Brooke Jeffrey Jr, Robert L. Lamm, Christopher F. Beaulieu, and Kiran A. Jain
Focal Liver Lesions: Pattern-based Classification Scheme for Enhancement at Arterial Phase CT

Radiology 2000 215: 746-751.

Genitourinary Imaging
By Clare M. C. Tempany, Kelly H. Zou, Stuart G. Silverman, Douglas L. Brown, Alfred B. Kurtz, and Barbara J. McNeil
Staging of Advanced Ovarian Cancer: Comparison of Imaging Modalities-Report from the Radiological Diagnostic Oncology Group

Radiology 2000 215: 761-767.

By Neda Yagan
Testicular US Findings after Biopsy
Radiology 2000 215: 768-773.

Head and Neck Imaging
By Antti E. E. Brander, Veli P. Viikinkoski, Juha I. Nickels, and Leena M. Kivisaari
Importance of Thyroid Abnormalities Detected at US Screening: A 5-year Follow-up

Radiology 2000 215: 801-806.

Health Policy and Practice
By Mervyn D. Cohen, Donald R. Hawes, Gary D. Hutchins, William D. McPhee, Michael B. LaMasters, and Robert P. Fallon
Activity-based Cost Analysis: A Method of Analyzing the Financial and Operating Performance of Academic Radiology Departments

Radiology 2000 215: 708-716.

Medical Physics
By Richard V. Kaczmarek, Burton J. Conway, Robert O. Slayton, and Orhan H. Suleiman
Results of a Nationwide Survey of Chest Radiography: Comparison with Results of a Previous Study

Radiology 2000 215: 891-896.

Musculoskeletal Imaging
By Marco Zanetti, Elisabeth Bruder, José Romero, and Juerg Hodler
Bone Marrow Edema Pattern in Osteoarthritic Knees: Correlation between MR Imaging and Histologic Findings

Radiology 2000 215: 835-840.

By Michael J. Tuite, Robert L. Cirillo, Arthur A. De Smet, and John F. Orwin
Superior Labrum Anterior-Posterior (SLAP) Tears: Evaluation of Three MR Signs on T2-weighted Images
Radiology 2000 215: 841-845.

By Robert W. Haley, W. Wesley Marshall, George G. McDonald, Mark A. Daugherty, Frederick Petty, and James L. Fleckenstein
Brain Abnormalities in Gulf War Syndrome: Evaluation with 1H MR Spectroscopy

Radiology 2000 215: 807-817.

By Gianvincenzo Sparacia, Alberto Iaia, Aurelia Banco, Paolo D'Angelo, and Roberto Lagalla
Transfusional Hemochromatosis: Quantitative Relation of MR Imaging Pituitary Signal Intensity Reduction to Hypogonadotropic Hypogonadism

Radiology 2000 215: 818-823.

By G. Bruce Pike, Nicola De Stefano, Sridar Narayanan, Keith J. Worsley, Daniel Pelletier, Gordon S. Francis, Jack P. Antel, and Douglas L. Arnold
Multiple Sclerosis: Magnetization Transfer MR Imaging of White Matter before Lesion Appearance on T2-weighted Images

Radiology 2000 215: 824-830.

Nuclear Medicine
By Michael A. Farrell, H. Page McAdams, James E. Herndon, and Edward F. Patz Jr
Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer: FDG PET for Nodal Staging in Patients with Stage I Disease

Radiology 2000 215: 886-890.

Obstetric Imaging
By Thomas C. Winter, Stefanie B. Uhrich, Vivienne L. Souter, and David A. Nyberg
The "Genetic Sonogram": Comparison of the Index Scoring System with the Age-adjusted US Risk Assessment

Radiology 2000 215: 775-782.

Pediatric Imaging
By John N. Pappas, Lane F. Donnelly, and Donald P. Frush
Reduced Frequency of Sedation of Young Children with Multisection Helical CT

Radiology 2000 215: 897-899.

Radiation Oncology
By Stephan Gripp, J. Christoph Haller, JĂ¼rgen Metz, and Reinhardt Willers
Prostate-Specific Antigen: Effect of Pelvic Irradiation

Radiology 2000 215: 757-760.

Signs in Imaging
By Karen A. Kurdziel
The Panda Sign

Radiology 2000 215: 884-885.

Special Reports
By Daniel C. Sullivan
Biomedical Imaging Symposium: Visualizing the Future of Biology and Medicine

Radiology 2000 215: 634-638.

Special Reviews
By Stephen E. Rubesin, Marc S. Levine, Igor Laufer, and Hans Herlinger
Double-Contrast Barium Enema Examination Technique

Radiology 2000 215: 642-650.

Thoracic Imaging
By Argyro E. Voloudaki, Diamantis P. Kofteridis, Ioanna N. Tritou, Nicholas C. Gourtsoyiannis, Yiannis J. Tselentis, and Achilleas I. Gikas
Q Fever Pneumonia: CT Findings

Radiology 2000 215: 880-883.

By Mostafa Atri, Caroline Reinhold, Amira R. Mehio, William B. Chapman, and Patrice M. Bret
Adenomyosis: US Features with Histologic Correlation in an in Vitro Study

Radiology 2000 215: 783-790.

By Edward I. Bluth, Jonathan H. Sunshine, James B. Lyons, Craig A. Beam, Laurie A. Troxclair, Lauren Althans-Kopecky, Philip E. Crewson, Michael A. Sullivan, Dana H. Smetherman, Paul A. Heidenreich, Harvey L. Neiman, and Jeffrey H. Burkhardt
Power Doppler Imaging: Initial Evaluation as a Screening Examination for Carotid Artery Stenosis

Radiology 2000 215: 791-800.

Vascular and Interventional Radiology
By Geoffrey D. Rubin, Maria C. Shiau, Ann N. Leung, Stephen T. Kee, Laura J. Logan, and Mark C. Sofilos
Aorta and Iliac Arteries: Single versus Multiple Detector-Row Helical CT Angiography
Radiology 2000 215: 670-676.

By George Dangas, John R. Laird Jr, Lowell F. Satler, Roxana Mehran, Gary S. Mintz, German Larrain, Alexandra J. Lansky, Luis Gruberg, Emily M. Parsons, Robert Laureno, Lee H. Monsein, and Martin B. Leon
Postprocedural Hypotension after Carotid Artery Stent Placement: Predictors and Short- and Long-term Clinical Outcomes
Radiology 2000 215: 677-683.

By Peter R. Mueller, Sandip Biswal, Elkan F. Halpern, John A. Kaufman, and Michael J. Lee
Interventional Radiologic Procedures: Patient Anxiety, Perception of Pain, Understanding of Procedure, and Satisfaction with Medication-A Prospective Study
Radiology 2000 215: 684-688.

By Philippe Cluzel, Frank Martinez, Marie France Bellin, Yann Michalik, Hélène Beaufils, Chantal Jouanneau, Olivier Lucidarme, Gilbert Deray, and Philippe A. Grenier
Transjugular versus Percutaneous Renal Biopsy for the Diagnosis of Parenchymal Disease: Comparison of Sampling Effectiveness and Complications

Radiology 2000 215: 689-693.

By Jeremy R. Simon, Carl L. Kalbhen, Richard A. Cooper, and Michael E. Flisak
Accuracy and Complication Rates of US-guided Vacuum-assisted Core Breast Biopsy: Initial Results
Radiology 2000 215: 694-697.

Technical Developments
By Brian D. Kavanagh, Robert D. Zwicker, Eileen M. Segreti, Leo A. Lindquist, Ann S. Fulcher, Gina M. Hundley, John A. Spindler, and Robert M. Cardinale
Gynecologic Brachytherapy: Digital Fluoroscopy for Placement Verification and Treatment Planning

Radiology 2000 215: 900-903.

By Armando Manduca, Kiaran P. McGee, E. Brian Welch, Joel P. Felmlee, Roger C. Grimm, and Richard L. Ehman
Autocorrection in MR Imaging: Adaptive Motion Correction without Navigator Echoes
Radiology 2000 215: 904-909.

By Dieter Schellinger, Chin Shoou Lin, Djamil Fertikh, Jacob S. Lee, William C. Lauerman, Fraser Henderson, and Bolivia Davis
Normal Lumbar Vertebrae: Anatomic, Age, and Sex Variance in Subjects at Proton MR Spectroscopy-Initial Experience

Radiology 2000 215: 910-916.

Letters to the Editor
By Jonathan M. Rubin, Douglas J. Quint, Richard B. Schwartz, Liangge Hsu, Terence Z. Wong, Amir A. Zamani, Peter M. Black, Eben Alexander III, Philip E. Steig, Thomas M. Moriarty, Claudia A. Martin, Ron Kikinis, and Ferenc A. Jolesz
Intraoperative US versus Intraoperative MR Imaging for Guidance during Intracranial Neurosurgery • Dr Schwartz and colleagues respond:

Radiology 2000 215: 917-918.

By Kyung Soo Lee, Man Pyo Chung, and Takeshi Johkoh
Diagnostic Accuracy of Thin-Section CT in Idiopathic Interstitial Pneumonia • Dr Johkoh responds:

Radiology 2000 215: 918-919.

By Werner A. Kaiser and Bruce L. Daniel
Dynamic Spiral MR Mammography • Dr Daniel responds:

Radiology 2000 215: 919-920.

By Mark Guenin, Laura Liberman, and Hiram S. Cody III
Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy in Breast Carcinoma • Drs Liberman and Cody respond:

Radiology 2000 215: 920-922.

By Edward F. Jackson, L. Anne Hayman, Vincent P. Mathews, Mark J. Lowe, and John L. Ulmer
Meningeal Enhancement on Fast FLAIR Images • Dr Mathews and colleagues respond:

Radiology 2000 215: 922-924.

Radiology 2000 215: 924.

Book Reviews
Gastrointestinal Radiology: The Requisites. 2nd ed.

Radiology 2000 215: 726.

Radiology abstracts are available at the Web site of the Radiological Society of North America
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