Special Communications
By C. Douglas Maynard
The Radiological Society of North America 86th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting Sunday, November 26 to Friday, December 1, 2000 McCormick Place, Chicago, Illinois
Radiology 2000 216: 327-329.
By Thomas L. Slovis
New Horizons in Pediatric Radiology
Radiology 2000 216: 317-320.
By Richard M. Friedenberg
The Future of Pediatric Radiology
Radiology 2000 216: 321-322.
By Frieda Feldman
Musculoskeletal Radiology: Then and Now
Radiology 2000 216: 309-316.
Special Notice
Award-winning Papers and Honored Lectures
Radiology 2000 216: 330.
By Nola M. Hylton
Suspension of Breast-feeding following Gadopentetate Dimeglumine Administration
Radiology 2000 216: 325-326.
By Jane L. Weissman and Barry E. Hirsch
Imaging of Tinnitus: A Review
Radiology 2000 216: 342-349.
Breast Imaging
By Kjell A. Kvistad, Jana Rydland, Jari Vainio, Hanne B. Smethurst, Steinar Lundgren, Hans E. Fjøsne, and Olav Haraldseth
Breast Lesions: Evaluation with Dynamic Contrast-enhanced T1-weighted MR Imaging and with T2*-weighted First-Pass Perfusion MR Imaging
Radiology 2000 216: 545-553.
Cardiac Imaging
By Stephan Achenbach, Dieter Ropers, Jochen Holle, Gerd Muschiol, Werner G. Daniel, and Werner Moshage
In-Plane Coronary Arterial Motion Velocity: Measurement with Electron-Beam CT
Radiology 2000 216: 457-463.
By Lucia J. M. Kroft, Philip Simons, Jacob M. van Laar, and Albert de Roos
Patients with Pulmonary Fibrosis: Cardiac Function Assessed with MR Imaging
Radiology 2000 216: 464-471.
Contrast Media
By Rahel A. Kubik-Huch, Nadine M. Gottstein-Aalame, Thomas Frenzel, Burkhardt Seifert, Eckhard Puchert, Susanna Wittek, and Jörg F. Debatin
Gadopentetate Dimeglumine Excretion into Human Breast Milk during Lactation
Radiology 2000 216: 555-558.
Diagnosis Please
By Benjamin Z. Koplewitz, Alan Daneman, Scott Fields, Raphael Udassin, and Sigmund H. Ein
Case 29
Radiology 2000 216: 377-378.
By Edwin J. R. van Beek and Charles B. L. M. Majoie
Case 25: Joubert Syndrome
Radiology 2000 216: 379-382.
Emergency Radiology
By Pierre A. Poletti, Stuart E. Mirvis, Kathirkamanathan Shanmuganathan, Karen L. Killeen, and Douglas Coldwell
CT Criteria for Management of Blunt Liver Trauma: Correlation with Angiographic and Surgical Findings
Radiology 2000 216: 418-427.
Experimental Studies
By Nathan J. McDannold, Randy L. King, Ferenc A. Jolesz, and Kullervo H. Hynynen
Usefulness of MR Imaging-Derived Thermometry and Dosimetry in Determining the Threshold for Tissue Damage Induced by Thermal Surgery in Rabbits
Radiology 2000 216: 517-523.
By Jens Bremerich, Maythem Saeed, HĂ¥kan Arheden, Charles B. Higgins, and Michael F. Wendland
Normal and Infarcted Myocardium: Differentiation with Cellular Uptake of Manganese at MR Imaging in a Rat Model
Radiology 2000 216: 524-530.
By Kazuya Ichikado, Moritaka Suga, Yasuhiro Gushima, Takeshi Johkoh, Kazuhiro Iyonaga, Toshimi Yokoyama, Osamu Honda, Yoshihisa Shigeto, Seiji Tomiguchi, Mutsumasa Takahashi, Harumi Itoh, Junpei Ikezoe, Nestor L. MĂ¼ller, and Masayuki Ando
Hyperoxia-induced Diffuse Alveolar Damage in Pigs: Correlation between Thin-Section CT and Histopathologic Findings
Radiology 2000 216: 531-538.
By Philip I. Haigh, R. James Brenner, and Armando E. Giuliano
Origin of Metallic Particles Resembling Microcalcifications on Mammograms after Use of Abrasive Cautery-Tip Cleaning Pads during Breast Surgery: Experimental Demonstration
Radiology 2000 216: 539-544.
Gastrointestinal Imaging
By Wolfgang Luboldt, Peter Bauerfeind, Simon Wildermuth, Borut Marincek, Michael Fried, and Jörg F. Debatin
Colonic Masses: Detection with MR Colonography
Radiology 2000 216: 383-388.
By Walter Wiesner, Othmar Schöb, Renward S. Hauser, and Markus Hauser
Adjustable Laparoscopic Gastric Banding in Patients with Morbid Obesity: Radiographic Management, Results, and Postoperative Complications
Radiology 2000 216: 389-394.
By Luigi Grazioli, Michael P. Federle, Tomoaki Ichikawa, Eric Balzano, Michael Nalesnik, and Juan Madariaga
Liver Adenomatosis: Clinical, Histopathologic, and Imaging Findings in 15 Patients
Radiology 2000 216: 395-402.
By Enrique Lopez Hänninen, Thomas J. Vogl, Rainer Felfe, Wassilios Pegios, Jörn Balzer, Wolfram Clauss, and Roland Felix
Detection of Focal Liver Lesions at Biphasic Spiral CT: Randomized Double-Blind Study of the Effect of Iodine Concentration in Contrast Materials
Radiology 2000 216: 403-409.
Genitourinary Imaging
By Ethan J. Halpern, Donald G. Mitchell, Richard J. Wechsler, Eric K. Outwater, Michael J. Moritz, and Gary A. Wilson
Preoperative Evaluation of Living Renal Donors: Comparison of CT Angiography and MR Angiography
Radiology 2000 216: 434-439.
By Robert D. Harris, Stephen R. Holtzman, and Angela M. Poppe
Clinical Outcome in Female Patients with Pelvic Pain and Normal Pelvic US Findings
Radiology 2000 216: 440-443.
By Kathrin A. Frei, Karen Kinkel, Harald M. Bonél, Ying Lu, Charles Zaloudek, and Hedvig Hricak
Prediction of Deep Myometrial Invasion in Patients with Endometrial Cancer: Clinical Utility of Contrast-enhanced MR Imaging-A Meta-analysis and Bayesian Analysis
Radiology 2000 216: 444-449.
Head and Neck Imaging
By Laurie A. Loevner, Ronit L. Karpati, Priya Kumar, David M. Yousem, Wendy Hsu, and Kathleen T. Montone
Posttransplantation Lymphoproliferative Disorder of the Head and Neck: Imaging Features in Seven Adults
Radiology 2000 216: 363-369.
Health Policy and Practice
By Russell B. Tippins, William E. Torres, Bruce R. Baumgartner, and Deborah A. Baumgarten
Are Screening Serum Creatinine Levels Necessary prior to Outpatient CT Examinations?
Radiology 2000 216: 481-484.
By Richard G. Abramson, Max P. Rosen, Laura J. Perry, David P. Brophy, S. Lynn Raeburn, and Keith E. Stuart
Cost-effectiveness of Hepatic Arterial Chemoembolization for Colorectal Liver Metastases Refractory to Systemic Chemotherapy
Radiology 2000 216: 485-491.
Musculoskeletal Imaging
By Chris D. Constantinides, Joseph S. Gillen, Fernando E. Boada, Martin G. Pomper, and Paul A. Bottomley
Human Skeletal Muscle: Sodium MR Imaging and Quantification-Potential Applications in Exercise and Disease
Radiology 2000 216: 559-568.
By Hideharu Sugimoto, Akira Takeda, and Kazusa Hyodoh
Early-Stage Rheumatoid Arthritis: Prospective Study of the Effectiveness of MR Imaging for Diagnosis
Radiology 2000 216: 569-575.
By Isao Abe, Yoshitada Harada, Kazuhiro Oinuma, Koya Kamikawa, Hiroshi Kitahara, Fuminori Morita, and Hideshige Moriya
Acetabular Labrum: Abnormal Findings at MR Imaging in Asymptomatic Hips
Radiology 2000 216: 576-581.
By Isabelle Catalaa, Robert I. Grossman, Dennis L. Kolson, Jayaram K. Udupa, Laszlo G. Nyul, Luogang Wei, Xuan Zhang, Marcia Polansky, Lois J. Mannon, and Joseph C. McGowan
Multiple Sclerosis: Magnetization Transfer Histogram Analysis of Segmented Normal-appearing White Matter
Radiology 2000 216: 351-355.
By Felipe MĂºnera, Jorge A. Soto, Diana Palacio, Sol M. Velez, and Elcy Medina
Diagnosis of Arterial Injuries Caused by Penetrating Trauma to the Neck: Comparison of Helical CT Angiography and Conventional Angiography
Radiology 2000 216: 356-362.
Obstetric Imaging
By Thomas C. Winter, Amy M. Anderson, Edith Y. Cheng, Cathy A. Komarniski, Vivienne L. Souter, Stefanie B. Uhrich, and David A. Nyberg
Echogenic Intracardiac Focus in 2nd-Trimester Fetuses with Trisomy 21: Usefulness as a US Marker
Radiology 2000 216: 450-456.
Pediatric Imaging
By Carlos J. Sivit, David L. Dudgeon, Kimberly E. Applegate, Valerie J. Borisa, Sheila C. Berlin, Stuart C. Morrison, Melissa T. Myers, Dayna M. Weinert, Anthony Stallion, and Enrique R. Grisoni
Evaluation of Suspected Appendicitis in Children and Young Adults: Helical CT
Radiology 2000 216: 430-433.
Radiation Oncology
By Ulrich Schaefer, Oliver Micke, Patrick Schueller, and Normann Willich
Recurrent Head and Neck Cancer: Retreatment of Previously Irradiated Areas with Combined Chemotherapy and Radiation Therapy-Results of a Prospective Study
Radiology 2000 216: 371-376.
Signs in Imaging
By Mozhdeh Salour
The Steeple Sign
Radiology 2000 216: 428-429.
Special Reviews
By C. Daniel Johnson and Abraham H. Dachman
CT Colonography: The Next Colon Screening Examination?
Radiology 2000 216: 331-341.
Thoracic Imaging
By Eil-Seong Lee, Michael B. Gotway, Gautham P. Reddy, Jeffrey A. Golden, Fraser M. Keith, and W. Richard Webb
Early Bronchiolitis Obliterans Following Lung Transplantation: Accuracy of Expiratory Thin-Section CT for Diagnosis
Radiology 2000 216: 472-477.
By Jae-Woo Song, Jung-Gi Im, Jin Mo Goo, Hyae Young Kim, Chi Sung Song, and Jeong Sang Lee
Pseudochylous Pleural Effusion with Fat-Fluid Levels: Report of Six Cases
Radiology 2000 216: 478-480.
Tae Kyoung Kim, Byung Ihn Choi, Joon Koo Han, Hye-Suk Hong, Seong Ho Park, and Sung Gyu Moon
Hepatic Tumors: Contrast Agent-Enhancement Patterns with Pulse-Inversion Harmonic US
Radiology 2000 216: 411-417.
Vascular and Interventional Radiology
By Fernando CamĂºĂ±ez, Antonio Echenagusia, Gonzalo SimĂ³, Fernando TurĂ©gano, JesĂºs VĂ¡zquez, and Isabel Barreiro-Meiro
Malignant Colorectal Obstruction Treated by Means of Self-expanding Metallic Stents: Effectiveness before Surgery and in Palliation
Radiology 2000 216: 492-497.
By Iris Baumgartner, Kathrin von Aesch, Do-Dai Do, JĂ¼rgen Triller, Manuela Birrer, and Felix Mahler
Stent Placement in Ostial and Nonostial Atherosclerotic Renal Arterial Stenoses: A Prospective Follow-up Study
Radiology 2000 216: 498-505.
By Eric Lechevallier, Marc André, David Barriol, Laurent Daniel, Christophe Eghazarian, Marc De Fromont, Dominique Rossi, and Christian Coulange
Fine-Needle Percutaneous Biopsy of Renal Masses with Helical CT Guidance
Radiology 2000 216: 506-510.
By Otto E. H. Elgersma, Aloys F. J. WĂ¼st, Pieter C. Buijs, Yolanda van der Graaf, Bert C. Eikelboom, and Willem P. T. M. Mali
Multidirectional Depiction of Internal Carotid Arterial Stenosis: Three-dimensional Time-of-Flight MR Angiography versus Rotational and Conventional Digital Subtraction Angiography
Radiology 2000 216: 511-516.
Technical Developments
By Yannick Carrillon, Hassane Abidi, David Dejour, Olivier Fantino, Bernard Moyen, and Van A. Tran-Minh
Patellar Instability: Assessment on MR Images by Measuring the Lateral Trochlear Inclination-Initial Experience
Radiology 2000 216: 582-585.
By Misbah Gulam, Mike M. Thornton, Anthony B. Hodsman, and David W. Holdsworth
Bone Mineral Measurement of Phalanges: Comparison of Radiographic Absorptiometry and Area Dual X-ray Absorptiometry
Radiology 2000 216: 586-591.
By Rolf A. Heckemann, David O. Cosgrove, Martin J. K. Blomley, Robert J. Eckersley, Christopher J. Harvey, and Yoshitaka Mine
Liver Lesions: Intermittent Second-Harmonic Gray-Scale US Can Increase Conspicuity with Microbubble Contrast Material-Early Experience
Radiology 2000 216: 592-596.
By Alistair A. Young, Brett R. Cowan, Steven F. Thrupp, Warren J. Hedley, and Louis J. Dell'Italia
Left Ventricular Mass and Volume: Fast Calculation with Guide-Point Modeling on MR Images
Radiology 2000 216: 597-602.
By Peter van Gelderen, CĂ©cile Grandin, Jeffrey R. Petrella, and Chrit T. W. Moonen
Rapid Three-dimensional MR Imaging Method for Tracking a Bolus of Contrast Agent through the Brain
Radiology 2000 216: 603-608.
Letters to the Editor
By Mark Guenin, Carol H. Lee, Liane E. Philpotts, Laura J. Horvath, and Irena Tocino
The Low False-Negative Rate for Stereotactic Breast Biopsy • Dr Lee and colleagues respond:
Radiology 2000 216: 609-610.
By José M. Palacios Jaraquemada, Claudio Bruno, and Deborah Levine
Gadolinium-enhanced MR Imaging in the Differential Diagnosis of Placenta Accreta and Placenta Percreta • Dr Levine responds:
Radiology 2000 216: 610-611.
By RĂ¼diger von Kummer, Norman Joseph Beauchamp Jr, Peter B. Barker, Paul Y. Wang, and Peter C. M. vanZijl
CT of Acute Cerebral Ischemia • Dr Beauchamp and colleagues respond:
Radiology 2000 216: 611-613.
In Memoriam
William J. Casarella
In Memoriam
Radiology 2000 216: 614.
C. Douglas Maynard
In Memoriam
Radiology 2000 216: 614.
Book Reviews
Teaching Atlas of Brain Imaging
Radiology 2000 216: 350.
Teaching Atlas of Head and Neck Imaging
Radiology 2000 216: 370.
Ultrasound: a Practical Approach to Clinical Problems
Radiology 2000 216: 410.
Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Theory and Practice. 2nd ed.
Radiology 2000 216: 554.
Radiology abstracts are available at the Web site of the Radiological Society of North America.