PACS Radiology Insider

Dear PACS Insider,

What constitutes the best PACS purchasing model depends a lot on who's buying it. For the University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center (MDACC) in Houston, an application service provider (ASP) approach has paid off big time.

Choosing an ASP-based PACS method over a traditional capital purchase has produced an estimated six-year savings of $18.6 million, according to MDACC's Dr. Kevin McEnery.

Savings were largely attributed to the ability to buy less expensive workstation components directly from OEM suppliers, said McEnery, who presented his institution's findings at the 2004 RSNA meeting in Chicago.

As a PACS Insider subscriber, you have access to this Insider Exclusive article before it is published for the rest of our AuntMinnie members. To hear more about the MDACC research, click here. Stay tuned for additional follow-up coverage from the RSNA meeting in the coming weeks and months.

Also, be sure to visit the PACS Digital Community Thursday for the latest installment of Michael Cannavo's Exploring PACS Secrets series. In Part V, Cannavo will explore the often fragile relationship between PACS vendors and customers.

Have a topic you'd like to see covered, or are interested in submitting an article to As always, please feel free to drop me a line.

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