New technology reshapes ultrasound as modality prepares for future growth

Ultrasound has always been one of imaging's most dynamic modalities -- no pun intended. From the first M-mode devices in the 1960s to today's complex 3-D scanners, ultrasound has shown a remarkable capacity to continually expand and redraw the horizons of medical imaging.

As we click into a new century, advances in scanner technology are helping practitioners develop new and exciting applications, and ultrasound's growth shows no signs of abating. The technology is becoming especially important in developing nations, as it is often the only imaging modality available due to its low cost. Ultrasound's improving spatial resolution will also continue to make it the modality of choice for many new clinical applications in the coming years.

As technology drives ultrasound to new highs, it's also enhancing's ability to deliver information to our members in new and exciting ways. Frontiers in Ultrasound represents the first of what will be many special reports on imaging technology and its clinical applications.

We've divided Frontiers in Ultrasound into several sections, each designed to provide you with a one-stop resource on the Web for ultrasound:

  • News articles on the latest clinical developments in ultrasound.
  • Product news highlighting the most important recent technology introductions.
  • Directory listings of major ultrasound equipment manufacturers.
  • Links to ultrasound-focused Web sites.
  • Links to ultrasound publications and journals.
  • A collection of interactive ultrasound Study Cases.

We hope this interactive resource proves useful. As always, we welcome your comments, which can be sent to us at [email protected].

Brian Casey
Editor in Chief

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