International Day of Radiology has arrived

2018 11 08 17 20 8032 I Do R Logo Custom 2 20181108174511

Radiology professionals around the world, take a bow. Today is the International Day of Radiology (IDoR), which recognizes the value of medical imaging to healthcare and how radiologists, researchers, and other innovators contribute daily to patient care.

International Day of Radiology logo

The day is sponsored by the RSNA, the American College of Radiology (ACR), and the European Society of Radiology (ESR). Some 170 international radiology societies worldwide have scheduled public lectures, media events, and other activities to promote greater awareness of the role radiology plays in research and the diagnosis and treatment of patients, according to the ACR.

The event is held every November 8 to coincide with the discovery of the x-ray by German physicist Wilhelm Roentgen.

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