Pulmonary > PE

Modified PIOPED II Criteria (From:  J Nucl Med 2008; Sostman HD, et al. Sensitivity and specificity of perfusion scintigraphy combined with chest radiography for acute pulmonary embolism in PIOPED II. 49: 1741-1748)


PE Present High probability (2 or more segments of perfusion-chest radiograph mismatch)
PE Absent Normal perfusion
  Very low probability

- Nonsegmental lesion (prominent hilum, cardiomegaly, elevated diaphragm, linear atelectasis, of CP angle effusion) with no other perfusion defect in either lung)

- Perfusion defect smaller than radiographic lesion

- 1-3 small segmental defects

- Solitary chest radiograph-perfusion matched defect in mid- or upper lung zone confined to a single segment

- Stripe-sign around perfusion defect (best tangential view)

- Pleural effusion in at least one-third of pleural cavity, with no other perfusion defect in either lung

Not diagnostic All other findings

Trinary Interpretation System (From J Nucl Med 2011; Glasser JE, et al. Successful and safe implementation of a trinary interpretation and reporting strategy for V/Q lung scinitgraphy. 52: 1508-1512

PE Positive High probability (a single or more segmental mismatch)
PE Negative
Normal perfusion, very low, or low probability scans
Not diagnostic Intermediate or indeterminate exams

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