Healthcare is transitioning from a volume to a value proposition, and radiologists must learn new skills to navigate this transition, become better leaders, and thrive under new delivery and payment systems, according to presenters at the American College of Radiology's (ACR) annual Radiology Leadership Institute (RLI) event to be held this week in Illinois.
The four-day meeting will offer presentations for radiologists on how to identify important operational quality measures and processes for their practice, negotiate with hospital clients effectively, build and manage cohesive staff teams, and manage conflict, according to ACR. The meeting takes place July 25 through 28 at the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University in Evanston, IL. Former Sen. Tom Daschle will give the keynote address.
The event is a unique opportunity for radiologists, according to Dr. Lawrence Muroff, CEO and president of Imaging Consultants in Tampa, FL, and a clinical professor of radiology at both the University of Florida and University of South Florida Colleges of Medicine.

"It's an opportunity to learn from internationally known business school faculty, and also to benefit from internationally known radiologists who can tie the Kellogg faculty's knowledge to radiology-specific applications," Muroff told AuntMinnie.com. "The RLI meeting will provide attendees with information they can immediately use in their practices once they leave."
In conjunction with Keith Murnighan, PhD, professor of risk management at Kellogg, Muroff will give a presentation on negotiation principles, focusing specifically on difficult hospital contracts.
"Hospitals have many more alternatives than they did before and can replace radiology practices relatively easily," Muroff said. "Negotiation skills are far more important than they've ever been before, and radiologists don't tend to negotiate very well. They take things personally, rather than understanding that negotiation is a necessary process they have to engage in to come to a conclusion that's a win for both sides."
Healthcare reform means challenging times for radiology, and radiologists must do everything they can to optimize their chances of surviving, according to Muroff.
"Many radiologists believe that if they close their eyes and bury their head in sand, things will work out, but that's a dangerous mindset," he said.
The meeting will also include the following presentations:
- Managing and developing professional networks, by Brian Uzzi, PhD, and Dr. Alexander Norbash of Boston University Medical Center
- Strategic alliances in modern healthcare, by Edward Zajac, PhD, and Dr. Arl Van Moore Jr., president of Charlotte Radiology in Charlotte, NC
- The importance of understanding and managing group dynamics in the radiology practice, by Tanya Menon, PhD, and Dr. Jonathan Berlin of the University of Chicago
- "Intrapreneurship" -- that is, entrepreneurial activities within an organization -- by Robert Wolcott, PhD, and Dr. Richard Gunderman of Indiana University
The RLI meeting will offer a total of 22 American Medical Association (AMA) Physician's Recognition Award (PRA) category 1 credits and 22 RLI credits, according to ACR.