Scientific Exhibits
By Jeffrey A. Stone, Suresh K. Mukherji, Brian S. Jewett, Vincent N. Carrasco, and Mauricio Castillo
CT Evaluation of Prosthetic Ossicular Reconstruction Procedures: What the Otologist Needs to Know
Radiographics 2000 20: 593-605.
By Elizabeth D. Brown, Michael Y. M. Chen, Neil T. Wolfman, David J. Ott, and Nat E. Watson Jr
Complications of Renal Transplantation: Evaluation with US and Radionuclide Imaging
Radiographics 2000 20: 607-622.
By John Morris, John A. Spencer, and N. Simon Ambrose
MR Imaging Classification of Perianal Fistulas and Its Implications for Patient Management
Radiographics 2000 20: 623-635.
By J. Edward Bass, Michael D. Redwine, Larry A. Kramer, Phan T. Huynh, and John H. Harris Jr
Spectrum of Congenital Anomalies of the Inferior Vena Cava: Cross-sectional Imaging Findings
Radiographics 2000 20: 639-652.
By Ok Hwa Kim, Woo Sun Kim, Min Jung Kim, Jin Young Jung, and Jung Ho Suh
US in the Diagnosis of Pediatric Chest Diseases
Radiographics 2000 20: 653-671.
By Tomás Franquet, Ana Giménez, Nuria Rosón, Sofía Torrubia, José M. Sabaté, and Carmen Pérez
Aspiration Diseases: Findings, Pitfalls, and Differential Diagnosis
Radiographics 2000 20: 673-685.
By Cris A. Meyer, Charles S. White, and Kenneth E. Sherman
Diseases of the Hepatopulmonary Axis
Radiographics 2000 20: 687-698.
By Randall V. Olsen, Peter L. Munk, Mark J. Lee, Dennis L. Janzen, Alex L. MacKay, Qing-San Xiang, and Bassam Masri
Metal Artifact Reduction Sequence: Early Clinical Applications
Radiographics 2000 20: 699-712.
By Stephen J. Skehan, Andrea L. Brown, Margo Thompson, J. Edward M. Young, Geoffrey Coates, and Claude Nahmias
Imaging Features of Primary and Recurrent Esophageal Cancer at FDG PET
Radiographics 2000 20: 713-723.
By Bruce A. Urban and Elliot K. Fishman
Tailored Helical CT Evaluation of Acute Abdomen
Radiographics 2000 20: 725-749.
By Gregory A. Bortoff, Michael Y. M. Chen, David J. Ott, Neil T. Wolfman, and William D. Routh
Gallbladder Stones: Imaging and Intervention
Radiographics 2000 20: 751-766.
By Leonard J. King, Erica D. Scurr, Natarajan Murugan, Simon G. J. Williams, David Westaby, and Jeremiah C. Healy
Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Manifestations of Cystic Fibrosis: MR Imaging Appearances
Radiographics 2000 20: 767-777.
By Hyun K. Ha, Seung H. Lee, Sung E. Rha, Jee-H. Kim, Jae Y. Byun, Hyo K. Lim, Jin W. Chung, Jeong G. Kim, Pyo N. Kim, Moon-G. Lee, and Yong H. Auh
Radiologic Features of Vasculitis Involving the Gastrointestinal Tract
Radiographics 2000 20: 779-794.
By Iván Pedrosa, Antonio Saíz, Juan Arrazola, Joaquín Ferreirós, and César S. Pedrosa
Hydatid Disease: Radiologic and Pathologic Features and Complications
Radiographics 2000 20: 795-817.
AFIP Archives
CME Article
By Gael J. Lonergan, Roy R. Rice, and Eric S. Suarez
Autosomal Recessive Polycystic Kidney Disease: Radiologic-Pathologic Correlation
Radiographics 2000 20: 837-855. CME Test
Imaging and Therapeutic Technology
By Randall W. Jones and Robert J. Witte
Signal Intensity Artifacts in Clinical MR Imaging
Radiographics 2000 20: 893-901.
Invited Commentaries
By Andrew J. Taylor and John A. Spencer
Invited Commentary • Author's Response
Radiographics 2000 20: 635-637.
By Arne Radetzky, Andreas Nürnberger, and Dietrich P. Pretschner
Elastodynamic Shape Modeler: A Tool for Defining the Deformation Behavior of Virtual Tissues
Radiographics 2000 20: 865-881.
By Thomas V. Kinsey, Maria C. Horton, and Tom E. Lewis
Interfacing the PACS and the HIS: Results of a 5-year Implementation
Radiographics 2000 20: 883-891.
Special Exhibits
By Tim B. Hunter, Leonard F. Peltier, and Pamela J. Lund
Radiologic History Exhibit : Musculoskeletal Eponyms: Who Are Those Guys?
Radiographics 2000 20: 819-736.
By Richard S. Heilman
Practice Corner: Doing Business with the Devil
Radiographics 2000 20: 686.
Special Communications
By C. Douglas Maynard
Delmar J. Stauffer, RSNA Executive Director: A Tribute
Radiographics 2000 20: 606.
Radiographics 2000 20: 856.
Author Information
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Radiographics abstracts are available at the Web site of the Radiological Society of North America.