e-MedSoft.com, Scott & White Hospital extend telemedicine services

e-MedSoft.com and Scott & White Hospital and Clinics will expand their telemedicine network to include the community of Horseshoe Bay, TX. The expansion will enable Scott & White to deliver e-MedSoft's products to five clinics covering the entire central Texas area, according to the companies.

The network allows Scott & White to care for patients in small communities spread over a vast geographic area, reduce the need for patients to travel great distances to receive care, and reduce the time that physicians and hospital staff must travel to see patients at geographically dispersed clinics, the companies said.

e-MedSoft's products utilize Internet technologies to examine, diagnose and treat patients remotely. They also allow digitized x-rays to be stored and distributed, and allow for the maintenance of an electronic patient record, whereby each physician can access patient files complete with physician notes, lab results, and x-rays.

By AuntMinnie.com staff writers
September 15, 2000

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