Clinton to unveil final HIPAA privacy rules today

President Clinton is expected to unveil the final Standards for Privacy of Individually Identifiable Health Information under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) today at noon (EST). The Department of Health and Human Services will publish the final rules today, and they are expected to be available on the Internet later today or tomorrow.

The regulations impose new and daunting requirements on how a wide range of healthcare institutions will handle patients' medical information. The final regulations are expected to be more restrictive than the privacy regulations proposed last year by DHHS, and presumably will regulate the use and disclosure of paper medical records, as well as those stored electronically. By staff writers
December 20, 2000

Related Reading

HIPAA hopefuls get religion from privacy guru, December 11, 2000

New HIPAA rules portend sweeping changes in medical data security, June 27, 2000

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