By Norman E. Leeds and Stephen A. Kieffer
Evolution of Diagnostic Neuroradiology from 1904 to 1999
Radiology 2000 217: 309-318.
By William C. Black
Anatomic Extent of Disease: A Critical Variable in Reports of Diagnostic Accuracy
Radiology 2000 217: 319-320.
What the Clinician Wants to Know
By Michael N. Brant-Zawadzki, Steven C. Dennis, George F. Gade, and Michael P. Weinstein
Low Back Pain
Radiology 2000 217: 321-330.
State of the Art
By Pamela W. Schaefer, P. Ellen Grant, and R. Gilberto Gonzalez
Diffusion-weighted MR Imaging of the Brain
Radiology 2000 217: 331-345.
Breast Imaging
By Carol H. Lee, Darryl Carter, Liane E. Philpotts, Marta E. Couce, Laura J. Horvath, Robert C. Lange, and Irena Tocino
Ductal Carcinoma in Situ Diagnosed with Stereotactic Core Needle Biopsy: Can Invasion Be Predicted?
Radiology 2000 217: 466-470.
Cardiac Imaging
By Joseph Shemesh, Sara Apter, Chaim I. Stroh, Yacov Itzchak, and Michael Motro
Tracking Coronary Calcification by Using Dual-Section Spiral CT: A 3-Year Follow-up
Radiology 2000 217: 461-465.
Diagnosis Please
By Bert Lincoln Pear and L. Alan Plunkett
Case 32
Radiology 2000 217: 436.
By Sheila D. Davis
Case 28: Proximal Interruption of the Right Pulmonary Artery
Radiology 2000 217: 437-440.
Emergency Radiology
By Sattam S. Lingawi and Anne R. Buckley
Focused Abdominal US in Patients with Trauma
Radiology 2000 217: 426-429.
Experimental Studies
By John P. McGahan, Stephen M. Griffey, Philip D. Schneider, John M. Brock, C. Darryl Jones, and Songhua Zhan
Radio-Frequency Electrocautery Ablation of Mammary Tissue in Swine
Radiology 2000 217: 471-476.
By Brian S. Kuszyk, John K. Boitnott, Michael A. Choti, David A. Bluemke, Sheila Sheth, Carolyn A. Magee, Karen M. Horton, John Eng, and Elliot K. Fishman
Local Tumor Recurrence Following Hepatic Cryoablation: Radiologic-histopathologic Correlation in a Rabbit Model
Radiology 2000 217: 477-486.
By Gunnar K. Lund, Michael F. Wendland, Ann Shimakawa, Håkan Arheden, Freddy Ståhlberg, Charles B. Higgins, and Maythem Saeed
Coronary Sinus Flow Measurement by Means of Velocity-encoded Cine MR Imaging: Validation by Using Flow Probes in Dogs
Radiology 2000 217: 487-493.
By Yi Liu, Kenneth D. Hopper, David T. Mauger, and Kimberly A. Addis
CT Angiographic Measurement of the Carotid Artery: Optimizing Visualization by Manipulating Window and Level Settings and Contrast Material Attenuation
Radiology 2000 217: 494-500.
By Xiaoming Yang and Ergin Atalar
Intravascular MR Imaging-guided Balloon Angioplasty With an MR Imaging Guide Wire: Feasibility Study in Rabbits
Radiology 2000 217: 501-506.
By Harriet J. Paltiel, Robert V. Mulkern, Antonio Perez-Atayde, Leonard P. Connolly, David Zurakowski, S. Ted Treves, and Anthony Atala
Effect of Chronic, Low-Pressure, Sterile Vesicoureteral Reflux on Renal Growth and Function in a Porcine Model: A Radiologic and Pathologic Study
Radiology 2000 217: 507-515.
Gastrointestinal Imaging
By Elena Rociu, Jaap Stoker, Marinus J. C. Eijkemans, and Johan S. Laméris
Normal Anal Sphincter Anatomy and Age- and Sex-related Variations at High-Spatial-Resolution Endoanal MR Imaging
Radiology 2000 217: 395-401.
By Riccardo Manfredi, Guido Costamagna, Maria Gabriella Brizi, Silvano Spina, Giulia Maresca, Amorino Vecchioli, Massimiliano Mutignani, and Pasquale Marano
Pancreas Divisum and "Santorinicele": Diagnosis with Dynamic MR Cholangiopancreatography with Secretin Stimulation
Radiology 2000 217: 403-408.
By Noboru Shindoh, Takashi Nakagawa, Yutaka Ozaki, Shinsuke Kyogoku, Yukiharu Sumi, and Hitoshi Katayama
Overlooked Gastric Carcinoma: Pitfalls in Upper Gastrointestinal Radiology
Radiology 2000 217: 409-414.
By Shinji Hirohashi, Kouji Ueda, Hideo Uchida, Wataru Ono, Junko Takahama, Megumi Takewa, Satoru Kitano, and Hajime Ohishi
Nondiffuse Fatty Change of the Liver: Discerning Pseudotumor on MR Images Enhanced with Ferumoxides-Initial Observations
Radiology 2000 217: 415-420.
By Andreas Lienemann, Dorothee Sprenger, Heinrich Otto Steitz, Matthias Korell, and Maximillian Reiser
Detection and Mapping of Intraabdominal Adhesions by Using Functional Cine MR Imaging: Preliminary Results
Radiology 2000 217: 421-425.
Genitourinary Imaging
By Miriam A. Bredella, Vickie A. Feldstein, Roy A. Filly, Ruth B. Goldstein, Peter W. Callen, and Harry K. Genant
Measurement of Endometrial Thickness at US in Multicenter Drug Trials: Value of Central Quality Assurance Reading
Radiology 2000 217: 516-520.
By Anna Lia Valentini, Ludovico Muzii, Riccardo Marana, Giovan Fiore Catalano, Fabrizio Felici, Carmelo Destito, and Pasquale Marano
Fallopian Tube Disease: The Cobblestone Pattern as a Radiographic Sign
Radiology 2000 217: 521-525.
Head and Neck Imaging
By Minerva Becker, Francis Marchal, Christoph D. Becker, Pavel Dulguerov, Georges Georgakopoulos, Willy Lehmann, and François Terrier
Sialolithiasis and Salivary Ductal Stenosis: Diagnostic Accuracy of MR Sialography with a Three-dimensional Extended-Phase Conjugate-Symmetry Rapid Spin-Echo Sequence
Radiology 2000 217: 347-358.
Medical Physics
By Walter Huda, Ernest M. Scalzetti, and Galina Levin
Technique Factors and Image Quality as Functions of Patient Weight at Abdominal CT
Radiology 2000 217: 430-435.
Musculoskeletal Imaging
By Felix W. Wehrli, Jeffrey A. Hopkins, Scott N. Hwang, Hee Kwon Song, Peter J. Snyder, and John G. Haddad
Cross-sectional Study of Osteopenia with Quantitative MR Imaging and Bone Densitometry
Radiology 2000 217: 527-538.
By John P. Slavotinek, P. Toby H. Coates, Stephen P. McDonald, Alex P. S. Disney, and Michael R. Sage
Shoulder Appearances at MR Imaging in Long-term Dialysis Recipients
Radiology 2000 217: 539-543.
By Philip M. White, Joanna M. Wardlaw, and Valerie Easton
Can Noninvasive Imaging Accurately Depict Intracranial Aneurysms? A Systematic Review
Radiology 2000 217: 361-370. [ Supplemental Material]
By Richard B. Schwartz, Steven K. Feske, Joseph F. Polak, Umberto DeGirolami, Alberto Iaia, Kara M. Beckner, Stephen M. Bravo, Roman A. Klufas, Richard Y. C. Chai, and John T. Repke
Preeclampsia-Eclampsia: Clinical and Neuroradiographic Correlates and Insights into the Pathogenesis of Hypertensive Encephalopathy
Radiology 2000 217: 371-376.
By Ashok J. Kumar, Norman E. Leeds, Gregory N. Fuller, Pamela Van Tassel, Moshe H. Maor, Raymond E. Sawaya, and Victor A. Levin
Malignant Gliomas: MR Imaging Spectrum of Radiation Therapy- and Chemotherapy-induced Necrosis of the Brain after Treatment
Radiology 2000 217: 377-384.
Pediatric Imaging
By Tae Il Han, In-One Kim, Woo Sun Kim, Jin Young Chung, Kyuchul Choeh, Mun Kab Song, and Yong Gyu Yoon
US Identification of the Anal Sphincter Complex and Levator Ani Muscle in Neonates: Infracoccygeal Approach
Radiology 2000 217: 392-394.
Radiation Oncology
By Alexander de Vries, Jürgen Griebel, Christian Kremser, Werner Judmaier, Thomas Gneiting, Paul Debbage, Thomas Kremser, Karl-Peter Pfeiffer, Wolfgang Buchberger, and Peter Lukas
Monitoring of Tumor Microcirculation during Fractionated Radiation Therapy in Patients with Rectal Carcinoma: Preliminary Results and Implications for Therapy
Radiology 2000 217: 385-391.
Signs in Imaging
By David D. Pellei
The Fat C2 Sign
Radiology 2000 217: 359-360.
Thoracic Imaging
By H. Page McAdams, Wanda M. Kirejczyk, Melissa L. Rosado-de- Christenson, and Shigeru Matsumoto
Bronchogenic Cyst: Imaging Features with Clinical and Histopathologic Correlation
Radiology 2000 217: 441-446.
By Salah D. Qanadli, Mostafa El Hajjam, Benoît Mesurolle, Olivier Barré, Fréderic Bruckert, Thierry Joseph, François Mignon, Antoine Vieillard-Baron, Olivier Dubourg, and Pascal Lacombe
Pulmonary Embolism Detection: Prospective Evaluation of Dual-Section Helical CT versus Selective Pulmonary Arteriography in 157 Patients
Radiology 2000 217: 447-455.
By E. James Potchen, Thomas G. Cooper, Arlene E. Sierra, Gerald R. Aben, Michael J. Potchen, Matthew G. Potter, and James E. Siebert
Measuring Performance in Chest Radiography
Radiology 2000 217: 456-459.
Vascular and Interventional Radiology
By Benedikt V. Czermak, Peter Waldenberger, Gustav Fraedrich, Andreas H. Dessl, Kurt E. Roberts, Reto J. Bale, Reinhold Perkmann, and Werner R. Jaschke
Treatment of Stanford Type B Aortic Dissection with Stent-Grafts: Preliminary Results
Radiology 2000 217: 544-550.
By Ho-Young Song, Hwoon-Yong Jung, Seung-Il Park, Sung-Bae Kim, Deok Hee Lee, Sung-Gwon Kang, and Young Il Min
Covered Retrievable Expandable Nitinol Stents in Patients with Benign Esophageal Strictures: Initial Experience
Radiology 2000 217: 551-557.
By Dongil Choi, Hyo K. Lim, Seung Hoon Kim, Won Jae Lee, Hyun-Jung Jang, Ji Yeon Lee, Seung Woon Paik, Kwang Cheol Koh, and Joon Hyoek Lee
Hepatocellular Carcinoma Treated with Percutaneous Radio-frequency Ablation: Usefulness of Power Doppler US with a Microbubble Contrast Agent in Evaluating Therapeutic Response-Preliminary Results
Radiology 2000 217: 558-563.
Technical Developments
By Bernd Ohnesorge, Thomas Flohr, Christoph Becker, Andreas F. Kopp, Uwe J. Schoepf, Ullrich Baum, Andreas Knez, Klaus Klingenbeck-Regn, and Maximilian F. Reiser
Cardiac Imaging by Means of Electrocardiographically Gated Multisection Spiral CT: Initial Experience
Radiology 2000 217: 564-571.
By Carine D. L. Bavelaar-Croon, Hein W. M. Kayser, Ernst E. van der Wall, Albert de Roos, Petra Dibbets-Schneider, Ernest K. J. Pauwels, Guido Germano, and Douwe E. Atsma
Left Ventricular Function: Correlation of Quantitative Gated SPECT and MR Imaging over a Wide Range of Values
Radiology 2000 217: 572-575.
By Francesco Sardanelli, Franco Zandrino, Andrea Imperiale, Emma Bonaldo, Maria G. Quartini, and Nadia Cogorno
Breast Biphasic Compression versus Standard Monophasic Compression in X-ray Mammography
Radiology 2000 217: 576-580.
By Mohammed A. Neimatallah, Thomas L. Chenevert, Ruth C. Carlos, Frank J. Londy, Qian Dong, Martin R. Prince, and H. Myra Kim
Subclavian MR Arteriography: Reduction of Susceptibility Artifact with Short Echo Time and Dilute Gadopentetate Dimeglumine
Radiology 2000 217: 581-586.
By Miroslav Bulvas, Renata Urbanová, Radka Klézlová, and Ivana VÃtková
Markedly Eccentric Peripheral Vascular Stenoses: Percutaneous Atherectomy with an Endomyocardial Biopsy Device
Radiology 2000 217: 587-592.
By Atsushi Momose, Tohoru Takeda, and Yuji Itai
Blood Vessels: Depiction at Phase-Contrast X-ray Imaging without Contrast Agents in the Mouse and Rat-Feasibility Study
Radiology 2000 217: 593-596.
Letters to the Editor
By AnÃbal J. Morillo and Anthony V. Proto
The Authorship Dilemma: Will It Ever Be Solved? Dr Proto responds:
Radiology 2000 217: 597-598.
By Christos A. Athanasoulis, Murray Asch, Linda J. Probyn, and Anthony V. Proto
Authors Need to Be Educated on Authorship Principles Drs Asch and Probyn respond: Dr Proto responds:
Radiology 2000 217: 598-599.
By Patrick M. Rao and Thomas Rettenbacher
Presence or Absence of Gas in the Appendix: Additional Criteria to Rule Out or Confirm Acute Appendicitis-Evaluation with US Dr Rettenbacher and colleagues respond:
Radiology 2000 217: 599-600.
By Luc Turmel-Rodrigues, Pierre Bourquelot, Alain Raynaud, Marc Sapoval, Patrick Haage, and Dierk Vorwerk
Primary Stent Placement in Hemodialysis-related Central Venous Stenoses: The Dangers of a Potential "Radiologic Dictatorship" Drs Haage and Vorwerk respond:
Radiology 2000 217: 600-602.
Book Reviews
CT Teaching Manual
Radiology 2000 217: 346.
Myocardial Viability: A Clinical and Scientific Treatise
Radiology 2000 217: 460.
MRI of the Musculoskeletal System
Radiology 2000 217: 526.
Abstracts of Current Literature
Radiology 2000 217: 603-608.
Author Information
Publication Information for Authors
Radiology 2000 217
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Radiology 2000 217
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Radiology 2000 217
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Radiology 2000 217
Radiology abstracts are available at the Web site of the Radiological Society of North America.