Research Information Page
By William G. Bradley Jr
RSNA Research and Education Foundation Expands Its Visionaries Program
Radiology 2000 215: 22-23.
Special Communications
By Theresa McLoud and Brian Lentle
The Scientific Program: 2000
Radiology 2000 215: 21.
By Beverly P. Wood
Feedback: A Key Feature of Medical Training
Radiology 2000 215: 17-19.
By Edward A. Sickles
Breast Imaging: From 1965 to the Present
Radiology 2000 215: 1-16.
By Matthew S. Johnson
Transjugular Intrahepatic Portosystemic Shunt: Accuracy of Helical CT Angiography in the Detection of Abnormalities
Radiology 2000 215: 25-26.
How I Do It
By Kenneth D. Hopper, Kishor Singapuri, and Arkady Finkel
Body CT and Oncologic Imaging
Radiology 2000 215: 27-40.
Breast Imaging
By Christiane Katharina Kuhl, Rita K. Schmutzler, Claudia Christiane Leutner, Andrea Kempe, Eva Wardelmann, Andrea Hocke, Monika Maringa, Ulrich Pfeifer, Dieter Krebs, and Hans Heinz Schild
Breast MR Imaging Screening in 192 Women Proved or Suspected to Be Carriers of a Breast Cancer Susceptibility Gene: Preliminary Results
Radiology 2000 215: 267-279.
Computer Applications
By Bruce I. Reiner, Eliot L. Siegel, Charles Flagle, Frank J. Hooper, Robert E. Cox, and Mary Scanlon
Effect of Filmless Imaging on the Utilization of Radiologic Services
Radiology 2000 215: 163-167.
By John M. Herron, Thomas M. Bender, William L. Campbell, Jules H. Sumkin, Howard E. Rockette, and David Gur
Effects of Luminance and Resolution on Observer Performance with Chest Radiographs
Radiology 2000 215: 169-174.
Diagnosis Please
By Edwin J. R. van Beek and Charles B. L. M. Majoie
Case 25
Radiology 2000 215: 235-236.
By Jane L. Weissman
Case 21: Glomus Vagale Tumor
Radiology 2000 215: 237-242.
Experimental Studies
By Christiane Waller, Elke Kahler, Karl-Heinz Hiller, Kai Hu, Matthias Nahrendorf, Sabine Voll, Axel Haase, Georg Ertl, and Wolfgang R. Bauer
Myocardial Perfusion and Intracapillary Blood Volume in Rats at Rest and with Coronary Dilatation: MR Imaging in Vivo with Use of a Spin-Labeling Technique
Radiology 2000 215: 189-197.
By Naoyuki Miyasaka, Toshihiko Kuroiwa, Feng Y. Zhao, Tsukasa Nagaoka, Hideaki Akimoto, Ichiro Yamada, Toshiro Kubota, and Takeshi Aso
Cerebral Ischemic Hypoxia: Discrepancy between Apparent Diffusion Coefficients and Histologic Changes in Rats
Radiology 2000 215: 199-204.
Gastrointestinal Imaging
By Ann S. Fulcher, Mary A. Turner, Kevin J. Franklin, Mitchell L. Shiffman, Richard K. Sterling, Velimir A. C. Luketic, and Arun J. Sanyal
Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis: Evaluation with MR Cholangiography-A Case-Control Study
Radiology 2000 215: 71-80.
By Yi Tang, Yasuyuki Yamashita, Akihiko Arakawa, Tomohiro Namimoto, Katsuhiko Mitsuzaki, Yasuko Abe, Kazuhiro Katahira, and Mutsumasa Takahashi
Pancreaticobiliary Ductal System: Value of Half-Fourier Rapid Acquisition with Relaxation Enhancement MR Cholangiopancreatography for Postoperative Evaluation
Radiology 2000 215: 81-88.
By Richard C. Semelka, Shahid M. Hussain, Hani B. Marcos, and John T. Woosley
Perilesional Enhancement of Hepatic Metastases: Correlation between MR Imaging and Histopathologic Findings-Initial Observations
Radiology 2000 215: 89-94.
By Masayuki Kanematsu, Yoshimune Shiratori, Hiroaki Hoshi, Hiroshi Kondo, Masayuki Matsuo, and Hisataka Moriwaki
Pancreas and Peripancreatic Vessels: Effect of Imaging Delay on Gadolinium Enhancement at Dynamic Gradient-Recalled-Echo MR Imaging
Radiology 2000 215: 95-102.
By Okkes I. Karahan, Gerald D. Dodd III, Kedar N. Chintapalli, Hyunchul Rhim, and Shailendra Chopra
Gastrointestinal Wall Thickening in Patients with Cirrhosis: Frequency and Patterns at Contrast-enhanced CT
Radiology 2000 215: 103-107.
By Nils-Olof Wallengren, Stig HoltĂ¥s, Ă…ke AndrĂ©n-Sandberg, Eva Jonsson, Doris T. Kristoffersson, and Stephen McGill
Rectal Carcinoma: Double-Contrast MR Imaging for Preoperative Staging
Radiology 2000 215: 108-114.
Genitourinary Imaging
By Lara A. Hardesty, Jules H. Sumkin, Manju E. Nath, Robert P. Edwards, Fredric V. Price, Thomas S. Chang, Christopher M. Johns, and Joseph L. Kelley
Use of Preoperative MR Imaging in the Management of Endometrial Carcinoma: Cost Analysis
Radiology 2000 215: 45-49.
By Weldon Liu, Stephen J. Esler, Bryan J. Kenny, Raymond H. Goh, Andrew J. Rainbow, and Giles W. Stevenson
Low-Dose Nonenhanced Helical CT of Renal Colic: Assessment of Ureteric Stone Detection and Measurement of Effective Dose Equivalent
Radiology 2000 215: 51-54.
Head and Neck Imaging
By Girish M. Fatterpekar, Suresh K. Mukherji, Jay Alley, Yuhua Lin, and Mauricio Castillo
Hypoplasia of the Bony Canal for the Cochlear Nerve in Patients with Congenital Sensorineural Hearing Loss: Initial Observations
Radiology 2000 215: 243-246.
Health Policy and Practice
By Geoffrey D. Rubin, Mark D. Armerding, Michael D. Dake, and Sandy Napel
Cost Identification of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Imaging by Using Time and Motion Analyses
Radiology 2000 215: 63-70.
Medical Physics
By Hui Hu, H. David He, W. Dennis Foley, and Stanley H. Fox
Four Multidetector-Row Helical CT: Image Quality and Volume Coverage Speed
Radiology 2000 215: 55-62.
Musculoskeletal Imaging
By Dominik Weishaupt, Marius R. Schmid, Marco Zanetti, Norbert Boos, Ben Romanowski, Ruedi O. Kissling, Jiri Dvorak, and Juerg Hodler
Positional MR Imaging of the Lumbar Spine: Does It Demonstrate Nerve Root Compromise Not Visible at Conventional MR Imaging?
Radiology 2000 215: 247-253.
By Lawrence M. White, Jae K. Kim, Mitesh Mehta, Naeem Merchant, Mark E. Schweitzer, William B. Morrison, Carol R. Hutchison, and Allan E. Gross
Complications of Total Hip Arthroplasty: MR Imaging-Initial Experience
Radiology 2000 215: 254-262.
By Pratik Mukherjee, Mark M. Bahn, Robert C. McKinstry, Joshua S. Shimony, Thomas S. Cull, Erbil Akbudak, Abraham Z. Snyder, and Thomas E. Conturo
Differences between Gray Matter and White Matter Water Diffusion in Stroke: Diffusion-Tensor MR Imaging in 12 Patients
Radiology 2000 215: 211-220.
By Alastair J. Martin, Walter A. Hall, Haiying Liu, Christopher H. Pozza, Eduard Michel, Sean O. Casey, Robert E. Maxwell, and Charles L. Truwit
Brain Tumor Resection: Intraoperative Monitoring with High-Field-Strength MR Imaging-Initial Results
Radiology 2000 215: 221-228.
By Noriko Sato, Gordon Sze, Issam A. Awad, Christopher M. Putman, Takashi Shibazaki, and Keigo Endo
Parenchymal Perianeurysmal Cystic Changes in the Brain: Report of Five Cases
Radiology 2000 215: 229-233.
Obstetric Imaging
By Li Mei Lan, Yasuyuki Yamashita, Yi Tang, Takeshi Sugahara, Mutsumasa Takahashi, Takashi Ohba, and Hitoshi Okamura
Normal Fetal Brain Development: MR Imaging with a Half-Fourier Rapid Acquisition with Relaxation Enhancement Sequence
Radiology 2000 215: 205-210.
Pediatric Imaging
By Brian Funaki, Jordan D. Rosenblum, Jeffrey A. Leef, George X. Zaleski, Thomas Farrell, Jonathan Lorenz, and Lynda Brady
Percutaneous Treatment of Portal Venous Stenosis in Children and Adolescents with Segmental Hepatic Transplants: Long-term Results
Radiology 2000 215: 147-151.
Radiation Oncology
By Jeffrey S. Miller, Michael L. Puckett, and Peter A. S. Johnstone
Frequency of Coexistent Disease at CT in Patients with Prostate Carcinoma Selected for Definitive Radiation Therapy: Is Limited Treatment-planning CT Adequate?
Radiology 2000 215: 41-44.
Signs in Imaging
By Kristin A. Lieberman
The Absent Bow Tie Sign
Radiology 2000 215: 263-265.
Thoracic Imaging
By Shigeki Itoh, Mituru Ikeda, Shoji Arahata, Takeshi Kodaira, Takayuki Isomura, Takashi Kato, Kouji Yamakawa, Kunihiro Maruyama, and Takeo Ishigaki
Lung Cancer Screening: Minimum Tube Current Required for Helical CT
Radiology 2000 215: 175-183.
By Wouter de Monyé, Marco J. L. van Strijen, Menno V. Huisman, Gerard J. Kieft, and Peter M. T. Pattynama
Suspected Pulmonary Embolism: Prevalence and Anatomic Distribution in 487 Consecutive Patients
Radiology 2000 215: 184-188.
By Stephanie R. Wilson, Peter N. Burns, Derek Muradali, Jessica A. Wilson, and Xiaoming Lai
Harmonic Hepatic US with Microbubble Contrast Agent: Initial Experience Showing Improved Characterization of Hemangioma, Hepatocellular Carcinoma, and Metastasis
Radiology 2000 215: 153-161.
Vascular and Interventional Radiology
By Shailendra Chopra, Gerald D. Dodd III, Kedar N. Chintapalli, Hyunchul Rhim, Carlos E. Encarnacion, Julio C. Palmaz, Christine C. Esola, and Abraham A. Ghiatas
Transjugular Intrahepatic Portosystemic Shunt: Accuracy of Helical CT Angiography in the Detection of Shunt Abnormalities
Radiology 2000 215: 115-122.
By Eugenio Caturelli, Domenico A. Siena, Saverio Fusilli, Maria Rosaria Villani, Giuseppe Schiavone, Michele Nardella, Silverio Balzano, and Francesco Florio
Transcatheter Arterial Chemoembolization for Hepatocellular Carcinoma in Patients with Cirrhosis: Evaluation of Damage to Nontumorous Liver Tissue-Long-term Prospective Study
Radiology 2000 215: 123-128.
By Sean Perini, Jeanne M. LaBerge, Jeffrey M. Pearl, Hector L. Santiestiban, Harlan E. Ives, Rodney S. Omachi, Martha Graber, Mark W. Wilson, Shelley R. Marder, Burl R. Don, Robert K. Kerlan Jr, and Roy L. Gordon
Tesio Catheter: Radiologically Guided Placement, Mechanical Performance, and Adequacy of Delivered Dialysis
Radiology 2000 215: 129-137.
By Mark D. Armerding, Geoffrey D. Rubin, Christopher F. Beaulieu, Suzanne M. Slonim, Eric W. Olcott, Shaun L. Samuels, Mark J. Jorgensen, Charles P. Semba, R. Brooke Jeffrey Jr, and Michael D. Dake
Aortic Aneurysmal Disease: Assessment of Stent-Graft Treatment-CT versus Conventional Angiography
Radiology 2000 215: 138-146.
Technical Developments
By Kavita Murthy, Marianne Aznar, Alanah M. Bergman, Christopher J. Thompson, James L. Robar, Robert Lisbona, Antoine Loutfi, and Jean H. Gagnon
Positron Emission Mammographic Instrument: Initial Results
Radiology 2000 215: 280-285.
By Fulvia Arfelli, Valter Bonvicini, Alberto Bravin, Giovanni Cantatore, Edoardo Castelli, Ludovico Dalla Palma, Marco Di Michiel, Mauro Fabrizioli, Renata Longo, Ralf Hendrik Menk, Alessandro Olivo, Silvia Pani, Diego Pontoni, Paolo Poropat, Michela Prest, Alexander Rashevsky, Marina Ratti, Luigi Rigon, Giuliana Tromba, Andrea Vacchi, Erik Vallazza, and Fabrizio Zanconati
Mammography with Synchrotron Radiation: Phase-Detection Techniques
Radiology 2000 215: 286-293.
By Karin Anna Herrmann, Tobias Waggershauser, Harald Sittek, and Maximilian F. Reiser
Liver Intraarterial Chemotherapy: Use of the Femoral Artery for Percutaneous Implantation of Catheter-Port Systems
Radiology 2000 215: 294-299.
By Alfred G. Janssen, Khaled Mansour, Johanna J. Bos, Radu A. Manoliu, and Jonas A. Castelijns
Abscess of the Lacrimal Sac due to Chronic or Subacute Dacryocystitis: Treatment with Temporary Stent Placement in the Nasolacrimal Duct
Radiology 2000 215: 300-304.
Letters to the Editor
By Richard Tello, Ken R. Thomson, Jörg F. Debatin, and Paul R. Hilfiker
MR Angiography of Intravascular Stents • Drs Debatin and Hilfiker respond:
Radiology 2000 215: 305.
By Stefano Guerriero, Silvia Ajossa, GianBenedetto Melis, Maitray D. Patel, and Roy A. Filly
Performance of US in the Diagnosis of Endometrioma • Drs Patel and Filly respond:
Radiology 2000 215: 305-307.
In Memoriam
Thomas Challis
In Memoriam
Radiology 2000 215: 308.
Jeffrey S. Unger
In Memoriam
Radiology 2000 215: 308.
Book Reviews
Pocket Guide to Body CT Differential Diagnosis
Radiology 2000 215: 50.
Textbook of Radiation Oncology
Radiology 2000 215: 162.
Teaching Atlas of Spine Imaging
Radiology 2000 215: 198.
The Human Brain: Surface, Blood Supply, and Three-dimensional Anatomy. 2nd ed.
Radiology 2000 215: 234.
Radiology abstracts are available at the Web site of the Radiological Society of North America