Special Communications
By C. Douglas Maynard
Delmar J. Stauffer RSNA Executive Director: A Tribute
Radiology 2000 215: 311.
By Stanford M. Goldman and Carl M. Sandler
Genitourinary Imaging: The Past 40 Years
Radiology 2000 215: 313-324.
Special Notice
Award-winning Papers and Honored Lectures
Radiology 2000 215: 336.
By Pamela K. Woodard
CT Scan Negative for Pulmonary Embolism: Where Do We Go from Here?
Radiology 2000 215: 325-326.
State of the Art
By Bernard A. Birnbaum and Stephanie R. Wilson
Appendicitis at the Millennium
Radiology 2000 215: 337-348.
Breast Imaging
By Lisa Kan, Ivo A. Olivotto, Linda J. Warren Burhenne, Edward A. Sickles, and Andrew J. Coldman
Standardized Abnormal Interpretation and Cancer Detection Ratios to Assess Reading Volume and Reader Performance in a Breast Screening Program
Radiology 2000 215: 563-567.
By Wei Tse Yang, Jenny Chang, and Constantine Metreweli
Patients with Breast Cancer: Differences in Color Doppler Flow and Gray-Scale US Features of Benign and Malignant Axillary Lymph Nodes
Radiology 2000 215: 568-573.
Computer Applications
By Richard M. Slone, David H. Foos, Bruce R. Whiting, Edward Muka, David A. Rubin, Thomas K. Pilgram, Kevin S. Kohm, Susan S. Young, Paul Ho, and Dan D. Hendrickson
Assessment of Visually Lossless Irreversible Image Compression: Comparison of Three Methods by Using an Image-Comparison Workstation
Radiology 2000 215: 543-553.
By Linda J. Warren Burhenne, Susan A. Wood, Carl J. D'Orsi, Stephen A. Feig, Daniel B. Kopans, Kathryn F. O'Shaughnessy, Edward A. Sickles, Laszlo Tabar, Carl J. Vyborny, and Ronald A. Castellino
Potential Contribution of Computer-aided Detection to the Sensitivity of Screening Mammography
Radiology 2000 215: 554-562.
Diagnosis Please
By Gerald J. Ross and Venkata Amilineni
Case 26
Radiology 2000 215: 390.
By Lakshmana Das Narla and Elizabeth A. Hingsbergen
Case 22: Total Colonic Aganglionosis-Long-Segment Hirschsprung Disease
Radiology 2000 215: 391-394.
Experimental Studies
By Diego Jaramillo, Bamidele F. Kammen, and Frederic Shapiro
Cartilaginous Path of Physeal Fracture-Separations: Evaluation with MR Imaging-An Experimental Study with Histologic Correlation in Rabbits
Radiology 2000 215: 504-511.
By Michael Strotzer, Markus Völk, Thomas Wild, Philipp von Landenberg, and Stefan Feuerbach
Simulated Bone Erosions in a Hand Phantom: Detection with Conventional Screen-Film Technology versus Cesium Iodide-Amorphous Silicon Flat-Panel Detector
Radiology 2000 215: 512-515.
By Charles M. Strother, Orhan Unal, Richard Frayne, Aquilla Turk, Reed Omary, Frank R. Korosec, and Charles A. Mistretta
Endovascular Treatment of Experimental Canine Aneurysms: Feasibility with MR Imaging Guidance
Radiology 2000 215: 516-519.
By Håkan Arheden, Maythem Saeed, Charles B. Higgins, Dong-Wei Gao, Philip C. Ursell, Jens Bremerich, Rolf Wyttenbach, Michael W. Dae, and Michael F. Wendland
Reperfused Rat Myocardium Subjected to Various Durations of Ischemia: Estimation of the Distribution Volume of Contrast Material with Echo-planar MR Imaging
Radiology 2000 215: 520-528.
Gastrointestinal Imaging
By Lodewijk P. J. Cobben, Alexander Mol de van Otterloo, and Julien B. C. M. Puylaert
Spontaneously Resolving Appendicitis: Frequency and Natural History in 60 Patients
Radiology 2000 215: 349-352.
By Amy K. Hara, C. Daniel Johnson, Robert L. MacCarty, and Timothy J. Welch
Incidental Extracolonic Findings at CT Colonography
Radiology 2000 215: 353-357.
By Olivier Cappeliez, Myriam Delhaye, Jacques Devière, Olivier Le Moine, Thierry Metens, Nicole Nicaise, Michel Cremer, Julien Stryuven, and Celso Matos
Chronic Pancreatitis: Evaluation of Pancreatic Exocrine Function with MR Pancreatography after Secretin Stimulation
Radiology 2000 215: 358-364.
By Vivian S. Lee, Michael T. Lavelle, Neil M. Rofsky, Gerhard Laub, David M. Thomasson, Glenn A. Krinsky, and Jeffrey C. Weinreb
Hepatic MR Imaging with a Dynamic Contrast-enhanced Isotropic Volumetric Interpolated Breath-hold Examination: Feasibility, Reproducibility, and Technical Quality
Radiology 2000 215: 365-372.
By Hyun-Jung Jang, Jae Hoon Lim, Soon Jin Lee, Cheol Keun Park, Hong Suk Park, and Young Soo Do
Hepatocellular Carcinoma: Are Combined CT during Arterial Portography and CT Hepatic Arteriography in Addition to Triple-Phase Helical CT All Necessary for Preoperative Evaluation?
Radiology 2000 215: 373-380.
By Katsuyoshi Ito, Roberto Blasbalg, Shahid M. Hussain, and Donald G. Mitchell
Portal Vein and Its Tributaries: Evaluation with Thin-Section Three-dimensional Contrast-enhanced Dynamic Fat-suppressed MR Imaging
Radiology 2000 215: 381-386.
Genitourinary Imaging
By Ariadne M. Bach, Joel Sheinfeld, and Lucy E. Hann
Abnormal Testis at US in Patients after Orchiectomy for Testicular Neoplasm
Radiology 2000 215: 432-436.
By Ewout W. Steyerberg, H. Jan Keizer, Dirk T. Sleijfer, Sophie D. Fosså, Dean F. Bajorin, Arthur Gerl, Ronald de Wit, Wim J. Kirkels, Heimen Schraffordt Koops, and J. Dik F. Habbema
Retroperitoneal Metastases in Testicular Cancer: Role of CT Measurements of Residual Masses in Decision Making for Resection after Chemotherapy
Radiology 2000 215: 437-444.
By Gerrit J. Jager, Johan L. Severens, John R. Thornbury, Jean J. M. C. H. de la Rosette, Sjef H. J. Ruijs, and Jelle O. Barentsz
Prostate Cancer Staging: Should MR Imaging Be Used?-A Decision Analytic Approach
Radiology 2000 215: 445-451.
Health Policy and Practice
By Jeffrey G. Jarvik, William D. Robertson, Frank Wessbecher, Kenneth Reger, Cam Solomon, Richard Whitten, Thomas Lumley, and Richard A. Deyo
Variation in the Quality of Lumbar Spine MR Images in Washington State
Radiology 2000 215: 483-490.
Musculoskeletal Imaging
By Michele L. Brenner, William B. Morrison, John A. Carrino, Christopher A. Nusser, Timothy G. Sanders, Richard F. Howard, and Patricia Meier
Direct MR Arthrography of the Shoulder: Is Exercise Prior to Imaging Beneficial or Detrimental?
Radiology 2000 215: 491-496.
By Nathalie J. Bureau, Étienne Cardinal, Roger Hobden, and Benoit Aubin
Posterior Ankle Impingement Syndrome: MR Imaging Findings in Seven Patients
Radiology 2000 215: 497-503.
By Frédérique Dubrulle, Olivier Ernst, Christophe Vincent, François M. Vaneecloo, Jean Paul Lejeune, and Laurent Lemaitre
Cochlear Fossa Enhancement at MR Evaluation of Vestibular Schwannoma: Correlation with Success at Hearing-Preservation Surgery
Radiology 2000 215: 458-462.
By Jean-Philippe Cottier, Christophe Destrieux, Laurent Brunereau, Philippe Bertrand, Laurence Moreau, Michel Jan, and Denis Herbreteau
Cavernous Sinus Invasion by Pituitary Adenoma: MR Imaging
Radiology 2000 215: 463-469.
By Toshinori Hirai, Yukunori Korogi, Kazuhiro Yoshizumi, Yoshinori Shigematsu, Takeshi Sugahara, and Mutsumasa Takahashi
Limbic Lobe of the Human Brain: Evaluation with Turbo Fluid-attenuated Inversion-Recovery MR Imaging
Radiology 2000 215: 470-475.
By Sebastian Flacke, Horst Urbach, Ewald Keller, Frank Träber, Alexander Hartmann, Jochen Textor, Juergen Gieseke, Wolfgang Block, Paul J. M. Folkers, and Hans H. Schild
Middle Cerebral Artery (MCA) Susceptibility Sign at Susceptibility-based Perfusion MR Imaging: Clinical Importance and Comparison with Hyperdense MCA Sign at CT
Radiology 2000 215: 476-482.
Nuclear Medicine
By Salvador Borges-Neto, Aamir Javaid, Linda K. Shaw, David F. Kong, Michael W. Hanson, Robert A. Pagnanelli, Gregory Ravizzini, and R. E. Coleman
Poststress Measurements of Left Ventricular Function with Gated Perfusion SPECT: Comparison with Resting Measurements by Using a Same-Day Perfusion-Function Protocol
Radiology 2000 215: 529-533.
Obstetric Imaging
By Mark A. Kliewer, Barbara S. Hertzberg, Kelly S. Freed, Patricia J. McNally, and David M. DeLong
Normal Fetal Pelvis: Important Factors for Morphometric Characterization with US
Radiology 2000 215: 453-457.
Pediatric Imaging
By Myung-Joon Kim, Young Nyun Park, Seok Joo Han, Choon Sik Yoon, Hyung Sik Yoo, Eui Ho Hwang, and Ki Sup Chung
Biliary Atresia in Neonates and Infants: Triangular Area of High Signal Intensity in the Porta Hepatis at T2-weighted MR Cholangiography with US and Histopathologic Correlation
Radiology 2000 215: 395-401.
Signs in Imaging
By Perry J. Pickhardt
The Colon Cutoff Sign
Radiology 2000 215: 387-389.
Special Reviews
By G. Scott Gazelle, Pamela M. McMahon, and Francis J. Scholz
Screening for Colorectal Cancer
Radiology 2000 215: 327-335.
Thoracic Imaging
By Lawrence R. Goodman, Randolph J. Lipchik, Ronald S. Kuzo, Yu Liu, Timothy L. McAuliffe, and Daniel J. O'Brien
Subsequent Pulmonary Embolism: Risk after a Negative Helical CT Pulmonary Angiogram- Prospective Comparison with Scintigraphy
Radiology 2000 215: 535-542.
By Erik K. Paulson, Douglas H. Sheafor, Mark A. Kliewer, Rendon C. Nelson, Lara B. Eisenberg, Mark W. Sebastian, and Michael H. Sketch Jr
Treatment of Iatrogenic Femoral Arterial Pseudoaneurysms: Comparison of US-guided Thrombin Injection with Compression Repair
Radiology 2000 215: 403-408.
Vascular and Interventional Radiology
By Richard A. Baum, Jeffrey P. Carpenter, Catherine M. Tuite, Omaida C. Velazquez, Michael C. Soulen, Clyde F. Barker, Michael A. Golden, Ann M. Pyeron, and Ronald M. Fairman
Diagnosis and Treatment of Inferior Mesenteric Arterial Endoleaks after Endovascular Repair of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms
Radiology 2000 215: 409-413.
By Johannes Görich, Norbert Rilinger, Roman Sokiranski, Stefan C. Krämer, Cengiz Ermis, Ansgar Schütz, Hans-Jürgen Brambs, Joachim Söldner, Werner Kaiser, Ludger Sunder-Plassmann, and Reinhard Pamler
Treatment of Leaks after Endovascular Repair of Aortic Aneurysms
Radiology 2000 215: 414-420.
By Stefan G. Ruehm, Walter Wiesner, and Jörg F. Debatin
Pelvic and Lower Extremity Veins: Contrast-enhanced Three-dimensional MR Venography with a Dedicated Vascular Coil-Initial Experience
Radiology 2000 215: 421-427.
By Jean-Pierre Pelage, Olivier Le Dref, Philippe Soyer, Mourad Kardache, Henri Dahan, Martine Abitbol, Jean-Jacques Merland, Jacques-Henri Ravina, and Roland Rymer
Fibroid-related Menorrhagia: Treatment with Superselective Embolization of the Uterine Arteries and Midterm Follow-up
Radiology 2000 215: 428-431.
Technical Developments
By Philippe Cluzel, Thomas Similowski, Carl Chartrand-Lefebvre, Marc Zelter, Jean-Philippe Derenne, and Philippe A. Grenier
Diaphragm and Chest Wall: Assessment of the Inspiratory Pump with MR Imaging-Preliminary Observations
Radiology 2000 215: 574-583.
By Stephen J. Riederer, Matt A. Bernstein, Jerome F. Breen, Reed F. Busse, Richard L. Ehman, Sean B. Fain, Thomas C. Hulshizer, John Huston III, Bernard F. King, David G. Kruger, Phillip J. Rossman, and Snehal Shah
Three-dimensional Contrast-enhanced MR Angiography with Real-time Fluoroscopic Triggering: Design Specifications and Technical Reliability in 330 Patient Studies
Radiology 2000 215: 584-593.
By Tsuneo Ishiguchi, Naomichi Nishikimi, Akihiko Usui, and Takeo Ishigaki
Endovascular Stent-Graft Deployment: Temporary Vena Caval Occlusion with Balloons to Control Aortic Blood Flow-Experimental Canine Study and Initial Clinical Experience
Radiology 2000 215: 594-599.
By Yi Wang, Priscilla A. Winchester, Lawrence Yu, Richard Watts, Guangliang Ding, Howard M. Lee, and Geoffrey W. Bergman
Breath-Hold Three-dimensional Contrast-enhanced Coronary MR Angiography: Motion-matched k-Space Sampling for Reducing Cardiac Motion Effects
Radiology 2000 215: 600-607.
By Penelope R. Sensky, Asvina Jivan, Norah M. Hudson, Richard P. Keal, Bruno Morgan, Julia L. Tranter, David de Bono, Nilesh J. Samani, and Graham R. Cherryman
Coronary Artery Disease: Combined Stress MR Imaging Protocol-One-Stop Evaluation of Myocardial Perfusion and Function
Radiology 2000 215: 608-614.
Book Reviews
Risk Management Test and Syllabus
Radiology 2000 215: 312.
Essentials of Pediatric Radiology
Radiology 2000 215: 402.
Nuclear Radiology (Fifth Series) Test and Syllabus
Radiology 2000 215: 534.
Radiology abstracts are available at the Web site of the Radiological Society of North America