FiatLux Imaging

2008 11 05 12 56 38 240 Fiatlux Thumb Adv 2008

(Booth 2645) FiatLux Imaging of Redmond, WA, will use the RSNA stage to launch its Visualize software for advanced visualization.

2008 11 05 12 56 39 6 Fiatlux Adv 2008Visualize takes advantage of DirectX programming technology for computer games and the power of video graphics cards to perform reformations of CT and MRI data. The firm believes that there are a number of similarities between the video processing requirements of computer games and medical image visualization in terms of smooth and precise data rendering. Visualize runs off standard commodity-priced PCs, the company said.

Visualize supports a range of 3D and advanced 2D image processing protocols, including maximum intensity projection (MIP), multiplanar reformat (MPR), and advanced volume reconstruction. Available tools include segmentation, editing, and analysis.

In its RSNA booth, FiatLux will emphasize multimodality image comparison, such as CT and MRI datasets displayed side-by-side. The company also will discuss its work on advanced features for radiology subspecialists and specialists in other fields, such as neurosurgeons, cardiologists, and orthopedic physicians.

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