Ziehm delivers Vario 3D in Europe

Ziehm Imaging of Nuremberg, Germany, has delivered the first C-arm Vario 3D units to four hospitals in Germany, two in Austria, and one in Switzerland.

The Vario 3D features a variably isocentric C-arm movement with intraoperative 3D imaging. Ziehm worked with Mercury Computer Systems of Chelmsford, MA, to integrate Mercury's components into the Vario 3D to enhance 3D imaging performance.

By AuntMinnie.com staff writers
November 28, 2004

Related Reading

New integration deal for Ziehm, RADIN, November 19, 2004

Ziehm scores first Vision Flat install, November 15, 2004

Road to RSNA, Ziehm Imaging, November 11, 1004

Ziehm opens new factory in Germany, September 15, 2004

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