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Contact us if you have a business idea you'd like AuntMinnie.com to consider, or if you would like to propose a business partnership with AuntMinnie.com.

Technical Support
Ph: 520-298-1000
Contact Technical Support

Media General Manager
Barry Lovette

Director of Content Strategy
Stephen Wellman
Contact Stephen Wellman

Editorial Team

Editor in Chief
Erik L. Ridley
Contact Erik L. Ridley

Senior Editor
Kate Madden Yee
Contact Kate Madden Yee

Associate Editor
Will Morton
Contact Will Morton

Associate Editor
Amerigo Allegretto
Contact Amerigo Allegretto

Copy and Production Editor
Matt Ferguson
Contact Matt Ferguson

Sales Team
VP - Digital Media Sales
Ben Barna
Ph: 703-646-8365
Contact Ben Barna

National Sales Director
Dawn Chandler
Ph: 520-214-7114
Contact Dawn Chandler

Global Media Sales Manager
Sharon Farley
Ph: 770-329-5904 (c)
Contact Sharon Farley

Classified Advertising
Ph: 520-298-1000 Ext. 5148
Contact Classified Advertising

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