The Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging (SNMMI) has released its slate of officers for the 2023-2024 term, with Helen Nadel, MD, as president.

Nadel is director of pediatric nuclear medicine at Lucile Packard Children's Hospital at Stanford and a clinical professor of radiology at the Stanford School of Medicine, in Stanford, CA, and she has been an active SNMMI member for more than 30 years, according to the society.
Nadel served as president-elect last year and has also held positions as president of the Pediatric Imaging Council and as a member of its board of directors. She has served on the SNMMI's PET Center of Excellence Board of Directors, Scientific Program Committee, Membership Committee, and on the Journal of Nuclear Medicine's editorial board, among other posts.
In 2019, Nadel received a Lifetime Achievement Award from the European Society of Pediatric Nuclear Medicine for ongoing contributions to pediatric nuclear medicine. She has published 76 peer-reviewed journal articles and 24 book chapters and has been an invited speaker for 180 presentations. Nadel's goals for her presidential year include raising awareness of and access to nuclear medicine, molecular imaging, and theranostics to facilitate precision health for all patients, the SNMMI said.
In addition to Nadel's appointment, the SNMMI elected Cathy Sue Cutler, PhD, as president-elect. Cutler is director of the medical isotope research and production program at Brookhaven National Laboratory in Upton, NY. Among her top priorities will be securing appropriate funding for nuclear medicine services and providers, the SNMMI said.
Named vice president-elect is Jean-Luc C. Urbain, MD, PhD, of Buffalo, NY. Urbain is a professor of radiology and medicine, vice chair of theranostics, and director of nuclear medicine at Roswell Park Cancer Center at the University of Buffalo.
SNMMI Technologist Section officers for 2023-2024 are Dmitry Beyder, CNMT, of St. Louis, MO, as president, and Julie Dawn Bolin, CNMT, of Phoenix, AZ, as president-elect.