As procedure volumes show modest growth in 2022 after a robust 2021, dual-energy spectral imaging CT systems are catching the interest of hospital CT departments and driving purchase intent, according to IMV Medical Information Division's newly published 2022 CT Market Outlook Report.
In 2022, the top priorities for CT departments cover a range of key topics. The highest-rated priority factor is improving patient satisfaction with their CT experience. This is followed by two factors related to hospital staff: satisfying the needs of referring physicians and improving staff satisfaction and morale.
The next factor highlights a focus on improving department workflow and productivity. Another patient-related factor -- improving the capability to reduce radiation dose to patients -- rounds out the top 5 priorities for CT departments in 2022.
Regarding factors affecting the future outlook of CT departments, those highest rated indicate that technological and capacity needs are met for over half of respondents. This is backed up by 67% of respondents agreeing that current CT scanner technology meets their CT department clinical and throughput needs, as well as 58% of sites agreeing that department CT capacity is sufficient to meet anticipated patient volumes over the next few years.
Significant buyer interest
However, the development of spectral, dual-energy, and dual-source systems has generated significant interest from buyers, with 38% of overall systems planned for purchase having this technology. When looking at just the largest 400+ bed hospitals, this percentage increases to 58% of planned CT systems having these advanced capabilities.
According to the survey, the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on CT departments peaked in 2021 and as of the time of the survey, is at the lowest level since 2020. The peak impact occurred in 2021 with 70% of departments experiencing a medium or high impact from the pandemic and an average impact rating of 7.3 out 10. The current impact at the time of the survey in mid-2022 has 34% of sites continuing to experience a medium or high impact with an average rating of 4.9 out of 10.
Estimated 2022 annual CT procedure volumes show slow growth year over year, driven by increases in nonhospital procedure volumes. CT procedure volumes are expected to grow slowly at 0.09% in 2022 compared with 2021. This is following a robust 2021 vs. 2020 procedure growth rate of 15.7%. Hospital-based procedures, while continuing to make up the bulk of the overall procedure volume, have decreased slightly by -0.5% since 2021. Nonhospital-based procedures are up 8% year over year and are driving most of the gains.
Looking ahead to the end of 2022, 72% of CT sites anticipate that their full-year CT procedure volume will increase compared with 2021, 17% expect it to stay at the same level and 9% predict a decrease. Small (< 200-bed) hospitals are the most optimistic with 78% expecting an increase in CT procedures year over year. Independent imaging centers are the least optimistic with only 63% foreseeing an increase and 12% predicting a decrease in CT procedure volumes in 2022.
Overall, 51% of sites are considering the purchase of a CT scanner between 2022 and 2025. Midsized hospitals are most likely to be planning a purchase, with 49% planning to purchase a scanner. Independent imaging centers are least likely to be planning a purchase, with only 15% planning a purchase.
When looking only at hospitals, purchase intent has decreased by 3 percentage points to 31% of sites planning to purchase, compared with 34% in the previous 2021 study. This decline is driven by decreases from < 200 and 400+ bed hospitals, reflecting increased uncertainty in purchase plans and partially offset by increases from 200-399 bed hospitals.
Regarding which original equipment manufacturer (OEMs) are being most considered for the next CT purchase, GE HealthCare is in the top spot with 65% of sites mentioning them followed closely by Siemens Healthineers at 62%. Canon Medical Systems is third with 31% followed by Philips in fourth with 27% and Fujifilm Medical Systems rounding out the top 5 at 5%.
In 2022, CT departments are open on average 12.1 hours per weekday per site and 14.9 hours per weekend per site, for scheduled CT procedures. Across a range of bed sizes, 71%-85% of hospitals are open for 9+ hours per weekday compared with 35% of independent imaging centers. On the weekend, across a range of bed sizes, 41%-76% of hospitals are open for an hour or longer compared with 28% of independent imaging centers.
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Davin Korstjens is senior market research program manager at IMV Medical Information Division, part of Science and Medicine Group. IMV's 2022 CT Market Outlook Report explores market trends in U.S. hospitals and imaging centers, including procedure volume, manufacturer-installed base features and share, the use of OEM vs. third-party service providers, purchase plans, brand loyalty, and site operations characteristics.
The CT Market Outlook Report was published in November 2022 and is based on responses from 301 radiology/departmental administrators and clinicians who participated in IMV's nationwide survey in July-August 2022. Their responses have been projected to the IMV-identified universe of hospitals and imaging centers in the U.S. that use CT systems to perform imaging procedures, and the report provides market forecast information addressing the CT unit market in the United States for 2022-2025. Vendors covered in this report include GE, Philips, Siemens, Canon, Fujifilm, Bayer, Bracco, Guerbet, and more.
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Disclosure: IMV Medical Information Division is a sister company of AuntMinnie.com.