SNM applauds SGR delay

SNM is applauding President Obama's decision to sign into law a bill that temporarily delays the 21% cut in physician reimbursements mandated by the sustainable growth rate (SGR) formula, this time through May 31.

In a written statement, SNM president Dr. Michael Graham, Ph.D., said the action is "good news, and we are encouraged that the president has signed a bill to delay reimbursement cuts to medical imaging. This extension may have bought us a little more time, but we are still in great need of a long-term solution that does not block access to medical services for Medicare patients."

Graham added that the danger to the medical community is "very real" and advises that a long-term fix is needed to solve this persistent threat. "We urge Congress to take action now to stop this waiting game and ensure access to the tests patients need," he said.

Related Reading

Obama signs bill averting 21% Medicare pay cut, April 16, 2010

SNM nets AHRQ grant, April 14, 2010

FDA, SNM, RSNA host workshop, April 2, 2010

SNM summit advances molecular imaging, February 2, 2010

SNM supports SGR rate fix, December 23, 2009

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