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2016: Page 2
Automated lymph-node segmentation takes on tough task
Eric Barnes
CHICAGO - A new automated lymph-node segmentation system applies both neural networks and structured optimization methods to the difficult task of separating lymph nodes from similar surrounding tissues, according to a presentation at the 2016 RSNA meeting.
November 30, 2016
Video from RSNA 2016: Challenges, opportunities in radiology's shift to value
CHICAGO - As radiology shifts from volume to value, what are some of the challenges -- and opportunities -- that will arise? Dr. Jay Bronner of Radiology Partners examines some of them in this video from RSNA 2016.
November 30, 2016
Video from RSNA 2016: Why aren't women picking radiology?
CHICAGO - There are just about as many women as men in medical school, but far fewer female medical trainees are picking radiology as their medical field of choice. What can be done to make radiology more attractive to women? We talk to Dr. Holly Jumper of the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences to find out.
November 30, 2016
Video from RSNA 2016: How common is career burnout among radiologists?
CHICAGO - Under pressure from a variety of forces, many radiologists are reporting higher levels of career burnout. How common is this phenomenon, and how can it be recognized? Dr. Felix Chew of the University of Washington reports on his findings of burnout among musculoskeletal radiologists in this video from RSNA 2016.
November 30, 2016
#MyRadGirlfriend No. 17: Farewell to Chicago
Ryan McBeth
The Cloud Gate sculpture in Chicago's Millennium Park is the scene of Andy and Ryan's fond farewell to Chicago as RSNA 2016 draws to a close.
November 30, 2016
DeepRadiology debuts AI interpretation system at RSNA 2016
By staff writers
Medical artificial intelligence firm DeepRadiology has developed a fully autonomous system for medical image interpretation and is showing the system at RSNA 2016 in Chicago.
November 29, 2016
Deep learning shows promise for reading chest x-rays
Erik L. Ridley
CHICAGO - A deep-learning method offers potential for providing a "human-like" diagnosis on chest x-rays, a group from the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) Clinical Center reported this week at the 2016 RSNA meeting.
November 29, 2016
PET/MRI head scans reveal important incidental findings
Wayne Forrest
CHICAGO - Adding a scan of the entire head to a routine whole-body PET/MRI protocol reveals a significant number of incidental findings in the brain in asymptomatic cancer patients, according to a study presented on Wednesday at RSNA 2016.
November 29, 2016
New line of MRI scanners is GE highlight at RSNA 2016
Brian Casey and Kate Madden Yee
CHICAGO - A new line of MRI scanners, as well as new offerings in x-ray and ultrasound and enhancements to other modalities, are among the highlights for GE Healthcare at this year's RSNA meeting.
November 29, 2016
Volleyball injuries: Which modality is best?
Philip Ward
New international research on musculoskeletal trauma of the ankle, knee, shoulder, spine, and hands resulting from volleyball has identified the best imaging modality to use in a range of clinical situations.
November 29, 2016
Video from RSNA 2016: Can AI rescue radiologists from isolation?
CHICAGO - Many radiologists are viewing artificial intelligence (AI) technology with trepidation. But could AI help rescue radiologists from further isolation from the rest of the healthcare community? Dr. Mark Michalski, director of the Center for Clinical Data Science at Massachusetts General Hospital, ponders this intriguing question in this video from RSNA 2016.
November 29, 2016
Video from RSNA 2016: Next steps for CT colonography screening
CHICAGO - U.S. radiology practices are gearing up to offer colorectal cancer screening using CT colonography, after the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force gave the exam a thumbs up in June 2016. In this video from RSNA 2016, Dr. Perry Pickhardt from the University of Wisconsin offers advice for facilities thinking about adding this service.
November 29, 2016
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