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2014: Page 2
Zonare launches transducer at ECR 2014
By staff writers
Zonare launched a new high-frequency transducer this week at ECR 2014.
March 9, 2014
CT saddled as 'workhorse' for evaluating post-op complications
Frances Rylands-Monk
VIENNA - For suspected late postoperative complications in the abdomen, CT can provide swift and accurate diagnoses in what may be life and death situations, ECR 2014 delegates heard at Sunday's session on gastrointestinal tract imaging.
March 9, 2014
Conflict over recognition for MRI discovery resurfaces at ECR
Philip Ward
VIENNA - The long-running and hostile dispute over who should receive credit for the invention of clinical MRI resurfaced during Sunday's Honorary Lecture at ECR 2014.
March 9, 2014
Study finds PET/CT can help diagnose CUP syndrome
Erik L. Ridley
VIENNA - FDG-PET/CT can identify a possible primary tumor in patients with carcinoma with unknown primary tumor (CUP) syndrome at a rate comparable to that found in autopsy studies, German researchers reported on Monday at ECR 2014.
March 9, 2014
Diagnosing chronic back pain: More than just looking at images
Mélisande Rouger
VIENNA - Chronic low back pain is the most common cause of disability between the ages of 45 and 65, which means that it is something radiologists will have to deal with during their careers. When they do, they should be able to read films properly, according to presenters of a Refresher Course at ECR 2014.
March 9, 2014
Parizel takes ECR delegates on cerebral journey of discovery and hope
Philip Ward
VIENNA - Emerging functional MRI, diffusion tensor imaging, and diffusion kurtosis imaging can provide a better understanding of the microstructure and function of the brain, and help to elucidate some of the mechanisms involved in neuroplasticity, explained Dr. Paul Parizel in the Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen Honorary Lecture at ECR 2014.
March 9, 2014
Serbia 'comes home' as its contribution gets official recognition
Frances Rylands-Monk
VIENNA - Serbian radiologists have warmly welcomed the chance for greater visibility at the ECR and in European radiology at large -- visibility which until recently has been lacking, despite the country's scientific contribution to the discipline. Saturday's "ESR meets Serbia" session brought Serbian radiology into sharper focus.
March 9, 2014
Teeth: The feature radiologists need to know more about
Rebekah Moan
VIENNA - Most radiologists don't deal much with dental imaging, but they should be aware of what to look out for and know the difference between dental MRI and cone-beam CT, according to a Sunday presentation at ECR 2014.
March 9, 2014
Population-based whole-body MRI finds serious disease
Eric Barnes
VIENNA - Whole-body MRI screening is safe and accurate for detecting serious pathology in the asymptomatic general population -- especially in patients older than 50, according to a study presented on Sunday at ECR 2014. A few findings were more prevalent than expected in individuals younger than 50.
March 9, 2014
Experts chew the fat on obesity, services for larger patients
Frances Rylands-Monk
VIENNA - Ground-breaking applications of functional imaging techniques can help radiologists play their part in the fight against the emerging obesity pandemic. In particular, MR elastography is showing promise in the early detection of disease, attendees were told at Saturday's State-of-the-Art Symposium at ECR 2014.
March 8, 2014
Tread cautiously with MR-guided prostate biopsies
Philip Ward
VIENNA - MR-guided biopsies of the prostate should only be performed in select patients, and it's vital to keep aware of false-negative results. Also, an urgent need exists for robust multicenter trials of targeted biopsies of the prostate, ECR 2014 delegates learned during a Special Focus session on Saturday.
March 8, 2014
New model for CKD screening cuts eGFR redundancies in half
Rebekah Moan
VIENNA - Because of the proportion of false positives in predicting chronic kidney disease (CKD) in patients undergoing contrast-enhanced CT, the current combination of all risk factors is inaccurate, delegates at ECR 2014 learned. A less elaborate model cuts estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) redundancies by 50%.
March 8, 2014
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