50-year veteran radiologist offers advice to young doctors

Joe Tullis, MD.Joe Tullis, MD.

At 82, Joe Tullis, MD, has operated under many titles through his 50-year stretch as a radiologist, but said he favors the term "worker" to them all, much preferring to mentor young physicians and serving patients than handling administrative responsibilities. 

For a blog at Baxter Health, Tullis tells about his path into radiology starting at 14 years old, his service in the U.S. Navy, and the fact that he's still on the job with no plans to retire. Tullis said he still enjoys feeding his curiosity and sharing what he's learned with others, particularly when it comes to the commitment that comes with a medical license. 

"If I had one piece of advice for young doctors looking to build a long and successful career, it would be to work hard at your job and don't worry about making money. You'll still make plenty of money, and you'll do a heck of a lot better job." 

Read the Baxter Health blog here.


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