Table of Contents

By Seymour H. Levitt
Impact of Managed Care on Scholarly Activity and Patient Care: Case Study of 12 Academic Radiology and Radiation Oncology Departments
Radiology 2000 216: 618-623.

By Walter E. Berdon
Rings, Slings, and Other Things: Vascular Compression of the Infant Trachea Updated from the Midcentury to the Millennium-The Legacy of Robert E. Gross, MD, and Edward B. D. Neuhauser, MD
Radiology 2000 216: 624-632.

Special Notice
By Anthony V. Proto
Diagnosis Please Certificate of Recognition Awarded to Seyed Alireza Emamian, MD, PhD
Radiology 2000 216: 617.

By J. Paul Finn
Sedation in MR Imaging: What Price Safety?
Radiology 2000 216: 633-634.

By Antonio Leone, Alfonso Cerase, Cesare Colosimo, Luigi Lauro, Alfredo Puca, and Pasquale Marano
Occipital Condylar Fractures: A Review
Radiology 2000 216: 635-644.

Breast Imaging
By Etta D. Pisano, Elodia B. Cole, Stacey Major, Shuquan Zong, Bradley M. Hemminger, Keith E. Muller, R. Eugene Johnston, Ruth Walsh, Emily Conant, Laurie L. Fajardo, Stephen A. Feig, Robert M. Nishikawa, Martin J. Yaffe, Mark B. Williams, and Stephen R. Aylward
Radiologists' Preferences for Digital Mammographic Display
Radiology 2000 216: 820-830.

By Liane E. Philpotts, Nancy A. Shaheen, Kiren S. Jain, Darryl Carter, and Carol H. Lee
Uncommon High-Risk Lesions of the Breast Diagnosed at Stereotactic Core-Needle Biopsy: Clinical Importance
Radiology 2000 216: 831-837.

Cardiac Imaging
By Jürgen Hug, Eike Nagel, Axel Bornstedt, Bernhard Schnackenburg, Helmut Oswald, and Eckart Fleck
Coronary Arterial Stents: Safety and Artifacts during MR Imaging
Radiology 2000 216: 781-787.

Diagnosis Please
By Thomas E. Herman and Marilyn J. Siegel
Case 30
Radiology 2000 216: 724-726.

By Gerald J. Ross and Venkata Amilineni
Case 26: Jejunojejunal Intussusception Secondary to a Lipoma
Radiology 2000 216: 727-730.

Emergency Radiology
By John P. McGahan, Michael S. Cronan, John R. Richards, and C. Darryl Jones
Comparison of US Utilization and Technical Costs before and after Establishment of 24-hour In-house Coverage for US Examinations
Radiology 2000 216: 788-791.

Experimental Studies
By Jamey P. Weichert, Fred T. Lee Jr, Susan G. Chosy, Marc A. Longino, Janet E. Kuhlman, Dennis M. Heisey, and Glen E. Leverson
Combined Hepatocyte-selective and Blood-Pool Contrast Agents for the CT Detection of Experimental Liver Tumors in Rabbits
Radiology 2000 216: 865-871.

By Kyongtae T. Bae, Huy Q. Tran, and Jay P. Heiken
Multiphasic Injection Method for Uniform Prolonged Vascular Enhancement at CT Angiography: Pharmacokinetic Analysis and Experimental Porcine Model
Radiology 2000 216: 872-880.

By Masaya Takahashi, Jiro Ono, Koushi Harada, Mitsuyo Maeda, and David B. Hackney
Diffusional Anisotropy in Cranial Nerves with Maturation: Quantitative Evaluation with Diffusion MR Imaging in Rats
Radiology 2000 216: 881-885.

Gastrointestinal Imaging
By Mi-Gyoung Jeong, Jeong-Sik Yu, and Ki Whang Kim
Hepatic Cavernous Hemangioma: Temporal Peritumoral Enhancement during Multiphase Dynamic MR Imaging
Radiology 2000 216: 692-697.

By Sanjeev Katyal, James H. Oliver III, Mark S. Peterson, James V. Ferris, Brian S. Carr, and Richard L. Baron
Extrahepatic Metastases of Hepatocellular Carcinoma
Radiology 2000 216: 698-703.

By Joel G. Fletcher, C. Daniel Johnson, Timothy J. Welch, Robert L. MacCarty, David A. Ahlquist, Judd E. Reed, William S. Harmsen, and Lynn A. Wilson
Optimization of CT Colonography Technique: Prospective Trial in 180 Patients
Radiology 2000 216: 704-711.

By Hyun-Jung Jang, Hyo K. Lim, Cheol Keun Park, Seong Hyun Kim, Jong Min Park, and Yoon-La Choi
Segmental Wall Thickening in the Colonic Loop Distal to Colonic Carcinoma at CT: Importance and Histopathologic Correlation
Radiology 2000 216: 712-717.

By Yasuyuki Yamashita, Yasuyuki Komohara, Mutsumasa Takahashi, Masafumi Uchida, Naofumi Hayabuchi, Tadafumi Shimizu, and Isamu Narabayashi
Abdominal Helical CT: Evaluation of Optimal Doses of Intravenous Contrast Material-A Prospective Randomized Study
Radiology 2000 216: 718-723.

Genitourinary Imaging
By Kyongtae T. Bae, Jay P. Heiken, Cary L. Siegel, and Harold F. Bennett
Renal Cysts: Is Attenuation Artifactually Increased on Contrast-enhanced CT Images?
Radiology 2000 216: 792-796.

By John L. Doppman, George P. Chrousos, Dimitris A. Papanicolaou, Constantine A. Stratakis, H. Richard Alexander, and Lynnette K. Nieman
Adrenocorticotropin-independent Macronodular Adrenal Hyperplasia: An Uncommon Cause of Primary Adrenal Hypercortisolism
Radiology 2000 216: 797-802.

By Yasuyuki Yamashita, Takashi Baba, Yuji Baba, Ryuichi Nishimura, Satoru Ikeda, Mutsumasa Takahashi, Hideyuki Ohtake, and Hitoshi Okamura
Dynamic Contrast-enhanced MR Imaging of Uterine Cervical Cancer: Pharmacokinetic Analysis with Histopathologic Correlation and Its Importance in Predicting the Outcome of Radiation Therapy
Radiology 2000 216: 803-809.

Head and Neck Imaging
By Lorenz Jäger, Frank Menauer, Nikolaus Holzknecht, Verena Scholz, Gerhard Grevers, and Maximilian Reiser
Sialolithiasis: MR Sialography of the Submandibular Duct-An Alternative to Conventional Sialography and US?
Radiology 2000 216: 665-671.

Medical Physics
By Mary Beth Peter, William Pavlicek, and James M. Owen
Soft-Copy Quality Control of Digital Spot Images Obtained by Using X-ray Image Intensifiers
Radiology 2000 216: 810-819.

Musculoskeletal Imaging
By Marco Zanetti, M. David Linkous, Louis A. Gilula, and Juerg Hodler
Characteristics of Triangular Fibrocartilage Defects in Symptomatic and Contralateral Asymptomatic Wrists
Radiology 2000 216: 840-845.

By M. David Linkous, Sean D. Pierce, and Louis A. Gilula
Scapholunate Ligamentous Communicating Defects in Symptomatic and Asymptomatic Wrists: Characteristics
Radiology 2000 216: 846-850.

By Bruno C. Vande Berg, Frederic E. Lecouvet, Pascal Poilvache, Jean-Emile Dubuc, Bernard Bedat, Baudouin Maldague, Jean-Jacques Rombouts, and Jacques Malghem
Dual-Detector Spiral CT Arthrography of the Knee: Accuracy for Detection of Meniscal Abnormalities and Unstable Meniscal Tears
Radiology 2000 216: 851-857.

By Christian W. A. Pfirrmann, Marco Zanetti, José Romero, and Juerg Hodler
Femoral Trochlear Dysplasia: MR Findings
Radiology 2000 216: 858-864.

By Eric Courchesne, Heather J. Chisum, Jeanne Townsend, Angilene Cowles, James Covington, Brian Egaas, Mark Harwood, Stuart Hinds, and Gary A. Press
Normal Brain Development and Aging: Quantitative Analysis at in Vivo MR Imaging in Healthy Volunteers
Radiology 2000 216: 672-682.

By Thomas Naegele, Wolfgang Grodd, Richard Viebahn, Uwe Seeger, Uwe Klose, Dietmar Seitz, Stephan Kaiser, Irina Mader, Jochen Mayer, Werner Lauchart, Michael Gregor, and Karsten Voigt
MR Imaging and 1H Spectroscopy of Brain Metabolites in Hepatic Encephalopathy: Time-Course of Renormalization after Liver Transplantation
Radiology 2000 216: 683-691.

Pediatric Imaging
By Hermann Olbing, Herbert Hirche, Olli Koskimies, Hildegard Lax, Ulpu Seppänen, Jean M. Smellie, Tytti Tamminen-Möbius, and Ingrid Wikstad
Renal Growth in Children with Severe Vesicoureteral Reflux: 10-year Prospective Study of Medical and Surgical Treatment: The International Reflux Study in Children (European Branch)
Radiology 2000 216: 731-737

Signs in Imaging
By Amjad Safvi
Linguine Sign
Radiology 2000 216: 838-839.

Special Reports
By David A. Bluemke and Steven N. Breiter
Sedation Procedures in MR Imaging: Safety, Effectiveness, and Nursing Effect on Examinations
Radiology 2000 216: 645-652.

By Stephen J. Skehan, Dermot E. Malone, Norman Buckley, Shunro Matsumoto, John Rawlinson, George Ting, Deborah Graham, Joyce Alexander, Sat Somers, and Giles W. Stevenson
Sedation and Analgesia in Adult Patients: Evaluation of a Staged-Dose System Based on Body Weight for Use in Abdominal Interventional Radiology
Radiology 2000 216: 653-659.

By Peter T. Kennedy, Ian M. G. Kelly, William C. Loan, and Chris S. Boyd
Conscious Sedation and Analgesia for Routine Aortofemoral Arteriography: A Prospective Evaluation
Radiology 2000 216: 660-664.

Thoracic Imaging
By Olivier Lucidarme, Philippe A. Grenier, Medhi Cadi, Isabelle Mourey-Gerosa, Karim Benali, and Philippe Cluzel
Evaluation of Air Trapping at CT: Comparison of Continuous- versus Suspended-Expiration CT Techniques
Radiology 2000 216: 768-772.

By Takeshi Johkoh, Nestor L. Müller, Masanori Akira, Kazuya Ichikado, Moritaka Suga, Masayuki Ando, Takeshi Yoshinaga, Teisou Kiyama, Naoki Mihara, Osamu Honda, Noriyuki Tomiyama, and Hironobu Nakamura
Eosinophilic Lung Diseases: Diagnostic Accuracy of Thin-Section CT in 111 Patients
Radiology 2000 216: 773-780.

By Massimo Bolognesi, David Sacerdoti, Giancarlo Bombonato, Matteo Chiesura-Corona, Carlo Merkel, and Angelo Gatta
Arterioportal Fistulas in Patients with Liver Cirrhosis: Usefulness of Color Doppler US for Screening
Radiology 2000 216: 738-743.

Vascular and Interventional Radiology
By Matthew D. Cham, David F. Yankelevitz, Dorith Shaham, Ami A. Shah, Leonard Sherman, Andrew Lewis, Jurgen Rademaker, Gregory Pearson, Junsung Choi, William Wolff, Pilar M. Prabhu, Michael Galanski, Robert A. Clark, H. Dirk Sostman, and Claudia I. Henschke
Deep Venous Thrombosis: Detection by Using Indirect CT Venography
Radiology 2000 216: 744-751.

By Christian L. Dewald, Chris C. Jensen, Yong H. Park, Sue E. Hanks, Donald S. Harrell, Gail L. Peters, and Michael D. Katz
Vena Cavography with CO2 versus with Iodinated Contrast Material for Inferior Vena Cava Filter Placement: A Prospective Evaluation
Radiology 2000 216: 752-757.

By Gyoo-Sik Jung, Ho-Young Song, Sung-Gwon Kang, Jin-Do Huh, Seon-Ja Park, Ja-Young Koo, and Young Duk Cho
Malignant Gastroduodenal Obstructions: Treatment by Means of a Covered Expandable Metallic Stent-Initial Experience
Radiology 2000 216: 758-763.

By S. Nahum Goldberg, Vassilios Raptopoulos, Phillip M. Boiselle, Keith J. Edinburgh, and Armin Ernst
Mediastinal Lymphadenopathy: Diagnostic Yield of Transbronchial Mediastinal Lymph Node Biopsy with CT Fluoroscopic Guidance-Initial Experience
Radiology 2000 216: 764-767.

Technical Developments
By Suresh K. Mukherji, Archana Wagle, Diane M. Armao, and Sunil Dogra
Brachial Plexus Nerve Block with CT Guidance for Regional Pain Management: Initial Results
Radiology 2000 216: 886-890.

By John P. Mugler III, Sumi Bao, Robert V. Mulkern, Charles R. G. Guttmann, Richard L. Robertson, Ferenc A. Jolesz, and James R. Brookeman
Optimized Single-Slab Three-dimensional Spin-Echo MR Imaging of the Brain
Radiology 2000 216: 891-899.

By Franck Girard, Valentine L. Marcar, Franciszek Hennel, and Ernst Martin
Anatomic MR Images Obtained with Silent Sequences
Radiology 2000 216: 900-902.

By Christopher J. Harvey, Martin J. K. Blomley, Robert J. Eckersley, David O. Cosgrove, Nayna Patel, Rolf A. Heckemann, and Jenny Butler-Barnes
Hepatic Malignancies: Improved Detection with Pulse-Inversion US in Late Phase of Enhancement with SH U 508A-Early Experience
Radiology 2000 216: 903-908.

By Katsuhiko Mitsuzaki, Yasuyuki Yamashita, Tatsuya Sakaguchi, Ichiro Ogata, Mutsumasa Takahashi, and Yasuhiro Hiai
Abdomen, Pelvis, and Extremities: Diagnostic Accuracy of Dynamic Contrast-enhanced Turbo MR Angiography Compared with Conventional Angiography-Initial Experience
Radiology 2000 216: 909-915.

Radiology abstracts are available at the Web site of the Radiological Society of North America.
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