Amerigo Allegretto and Philip Ward[email protected]Practice ManagementGlobal survey shows deep concerns over burnout, workforce shortagesBurnout, workforce shortages, and locally trained clinicians leaving the field are the top concerns among radiologists worldwide, according to survey findings.January 27, 2025Page 1 of 1Top StoriesCTUse of PCCT with gadoxetate disodium shows promise for liver imagingUsing photon-counting CT (PCCT) with the gadolinium-based contrast agent gadoxetate disodium shows promise for improved liver visualization at a lower dose than is required for CT exams using other GBCA agents.Digital X-RayAI model detects low BMD on ankle and foot x-raysMRIRace influences headache diagnosis in children presenting to the EDWomens Imaging2009 USPSTF breast screening guidelines led to less mammography uptakeSponsor ContentFREE WEBINAR! Join Us February 19 at Noon ET