New crystal material powers Siemens camera

A new type of scintillation crystal made from lutetium oxyortho-silicate (LSO) is at the heart of a new PET imager unveiled at this week's Society of Nuclear Medicine meeting by Siemens Medical Systems and its PET development partner, CTI of Knoxville, TN. The companies hope the material will enable users of the new camera, LSO ECAT Accel, to cut PET scanning times in half, from 40 minutes to 20.

Siemens and CTI have been investigating the use of LSO as an alternative to the sodium iodide (NaI) crystals used in gamma cameras and the bismuth germanate (BGO) crystals found in PET systems. The companies believe LSO can provide good high-energy imaging characteristics at a lower price than BGO-based PET cameras.

LSO ECAT Accel is being shown as a work-in-progress at the SNM show, according to the companies. The camera will operate on computer hardware and software similar to other cameras in the Siemens PET family.

By staff writers
June 7, 2000

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