Kodak starts shipping CR 850

Eastman Kodak Health Imaging of Rochester, NY, has started shipments of its DirectView CR 850 computed radiography system. The product was launched at the 2002 RSNA meeting, and is a single-cassette reader that features a throughput of 100 plates an hour.

The company has also begun shipments of its DirectView 7100 DR system, an amorphous selenium-based digital radiography unit with a tilt table and overhead tube. That unit was also introduced at last year’s RSNA show. Kodak will highlight the systems at this week’s Symposium for Computer Applications in Radiology meeting in Boston.

In its SCAR booth, Kodak will also tout a new multivendor service initiative, in which it will offer maintenance of equipment made by other vendors. The service will cover computed radiography systems, film digitizers, laser imagers, and x-ray equipment.

Finally, Kodak has started taking orders for its DirectView Web Distribution System, a key piece of the company’s transition to a new PACS architecture called System 5 coming out later this year. The system features comprehensive image viewing and manipulation tools, as well as compression tools that improve image transfer rates over low-bandwidth connections.

By AuntMinnie.com staff writers
June 6, 2003

Related Reading

Kodak launches multiplate CR reader at ECR, March 9, 2003

Kodak taps Minocha, February 18, 2003

Kodak, EMC to partner, February 11, 2003

Kodak taps CTO, January 30, 2003

Kodak Health Imaging sales climb in Q4, January 23, 2002

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