Update on economics in AI for women's health

2021 05 13 21 39 1195 Chen Melissa 400

Major changes have occurred in the last several years regarding reimbursement for the use of AI for clinical applications. In this talk from the AuntMinnie.com Spring 2022 Virtual Conference, Dr. Melissa Chen provides an overview of the economics of AI, with a special focus on women's health.

Chen sees lessons for radiology in the rise of Netflix in the movie industry. The original Netflix model of sending DVDs to consumers by mail was revolutionary, but changes in technology and the changing demands of its customer base soon forced the company to adapt to streaming video -- a pivot it accomplished successfully.

Likewise, radiology should adapt to the changing needs of its customers, which include both patients and referring physicians, Chen believes. Radiologists need to examine ways to deliver imaging care differently than what currently exists -- much as Netflix reimagined its own business model several times over.

Click on the video below to view Chen's presentation.

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