Breast density law proposed in Mo.

Missouri is the latest state to consider mandating the inclusion of breast density information in reports sent to women after mammograms.

Rep. Sue Allen (R-MO) has prefiled HB 1033, which would require that mammography reports provided to patients include breast density information based on BI-RADS classification, along with the following notice:

If your mammogram demonstrates that you have dense breast tissue, which could hide abnormalities, you may benefit from supplemental screening tests, which can include a breast MRI examination, a breast ultrasound screening, or other available screening methods, depending on your individual risk factors.

Dense breast tissue, in and of itself, is a relatively common condition. Therefore, this statement is not provided to cause undue concern, but rather to raise your awareness of the limitations of mammography testing and to promote discussion with your healthcare provider regarding the presence of other risk factors, in addition to dense breast tissue, that may warrant supplemental screening.

A report of your mammography results, which contains information about your breast density, has been sent to your healthcare provider's office, and you should contact your healthcare provider if you have any questions or concerns regarding this report.

The bill will be considered in the upcoming legislative session, which begins on January 4.

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