Infect > Bacterial > Mycoplasma

Mycoplasma errata:

I recently came across your section on mycoplasma on your web page. I would like to point out a few errors present on your web page. Your comment on mycoplasma  refers to mycoplasmas as

"similar to bacteria in that they contain DNA, RNA, and energy generating ribosomes, however, unlike bacteria the organism is unable to synthesize a rigid cell wall."

While this was the belief when the organisms were discovered, I assure you, these organisms are bacteria. They are classified as mollicutes, which indicates that they have no cell wall; however, this does not discount them from being bacteria. Both their genetic sequences and protein profiles, as well as biological processes have them classified as bacteria. If you need any further information [sic] or particular references on this please feel free to email me.

Rene A. Alvarez

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