Hologic to highlight breast screening in Super Bowl ad

2022 02 11 18 48 7912 2022 02 11 Mjb 20220211184036

Hologic plans has signed Grammy and Academy Award-winning artist Mary J. Blige to feature in a new advertising campaign encouraging women to get regular breast and cervical cancer screening. The campaign will debut on NBC during the Super Bowl on February 13.

The 30-second spot is called "Her Health is Her Wealth" and will highlight how "despite Ms. Blige's busy life, as she travels from set to studio to gym to boardroom, she still makes time in her schedule for her annual well-woman visit," the company said.

Mary J. Blige. Image courtesy of Hologic and Business Wire.Mary J. Blige. Image courtesy of Hologic and Business Wire.

The campaign was initiated by Hologic's vice president of communications, Jane Mazur, and produced by CHé Creative, child., Little Minx, and Cheryl Overton Communications.

"I'm a strong believer that a woman's health is her wealth, and I'm proud to participate in this important campaign that puts that message front and center on the world's biggest stage," said Ms. Blige said in the Hologic statement. "I want women everywhere to know that real love means putting yourself first and prioritizing your annual screenings."

The spot will direct viewers to ScreeningsForHer.com, which provides well-woman exam resources and information about annual screening, Hologic said.

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