Peter Scott nabs SNMMI trailblazer award

2023 06 27 16 22 3294 Scott Peter 400

The Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging (SNMMI) has bestowed its Sam Ghambir Trailblazer Award on Peter Scott, PhD.

Peter Scott, PhD.Peter Scott, PhD.

The award honors outstanding achievement in excellence in transformative research and exceptional mentorship for mid-career professionals, according to the SNMMI.

Scott is an associate professor of radiology and pharmacology, division director of nuclear medicine, and director of the PET Center at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. He earned his undergraduate degree in medicinal chemistry from Loughborough University and his Doctor of Philosophy degree in organic chemistry from Durham University, both in the U.K. He completed his postdoctoral research in organometallic chemistry at SUNY Buffalo in New York and in PET radiochemistry at the University of Michigan.

Scott previously worked for Siemens Molecular Imaging and Biomarker Research following his postdoctoral research, where he led the radiochemistry group at the Siemens Technology Center in Los Angeles. He began his academic career at the University of Michigan in 2009.

Scott has published more than 165 papers and 35 book chapters, presented 250 conference abstracts, and edited five books.

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