ACR taps Pisano as chief research officer

2016 10 14 12 22 19 364 Acr Logo 400

The American College of Radiology (ACR) has appointed Dr. Etta Pisano as chief research officer.

Pisano, the first woman to hold this ACR position, was previously chief science officer for the ACR Center for Research and Innovation. She is currently the principal investigator for the Tomosynthesis Mammographic Imaging Screening Trial (TMIST), which is studying whether digital breast tomosynthesis (DBT) is more effective than standard digital mammography for reducing advanced breast cancers. TMIST will include nearly 165,000 women and create the largest ever aggregation of data, images, and biospecimens from a clinical research trial, according to the ACR.

A breast imaging research pioneer, Pisano also previously led the landmark Digital Mammography Screening Trial (DMIST), which compared the effectiveness of digital mammography and film mammography.

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